Chapter 14

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By the time we reach the house both Jackson and Lily are asleep. Ivy hasn't said much but she hasn't let go of my hand.
Connor pushes the door open with his free hand and we follow him in. He quietly closes the door behind us trying not to wake the little ones.
"Where the hell have you been?! It's been hours and neither of you have answer your phones!" James says loudly coming in the room. Before we can say anything both Jackson and Lily start screaming and Ivy hides behind me.
"What the?" James freezes and just stares as us. Connor and I are both trying to calm the little ones and Brad comes running in the room. Upon seeing the five of us he stops, stares, and his mouth starts opening and closing like a fish.
When we finally get the little ones to stop screaming. Ivy pulls on my arm.
"Why is he yelling? It's never good when someone yells. Is he gonna hurt us?" She asks softly.
"Oh no sweetheart. He's not going to hurt anyone. He was just worried about Connor and I. He was afraid something had happened to us." I explain to her. She nods but doesn't look convinced.
"Care to explain?" Brad asks looking between Connor and I.
"We found them on the street and we couldn't just leave them." Connor says turning slightly so they could see Jackson's who has his head lying on Connor's chest with his thumb in his mouth.
"Okay." Brad says with a nod. "Hang on." He mumbles going into the kitchen. He comes back out a minute later with a wet washcloth.
He gently wipes Jackson's face, hands and feet with it clearing most of the dirt off. He turns and does the same to Lily. She grabs his hand gently for a moment before letting go.
He turns and kneels down to do the same to Ivy but she takes the washcloth and does it herself.
"Thank you." She says softly handing it back.
"How about we let your brother and sister sleep in the living room and the five of us go talk in the kitchen?" I suggest noticing that the two of them are almost asleep already. She looks hesitant so I say, "We can leave the door open so you can see them." She relaxes and nods. So that's what we do.
After we sit down we all turn to Ivy.
"Will you tell us about your parents now?" Con asks softly.
"Daddy always had to go to his big boats. He told us our Lady called him so he had to go. One time he went he didn't come back though. A few months later mummy and her girlfriend were having what mummy called a special night. Mummy put candles all 'round her bedroom but that night one of them fell and it started a fire. Burned the whole house down. Neither of them got out. The bedroom burnd first. The firemen got Jacky, Lil, and I out." She says barely taking a breath.
"You don't have anywhere to stay?" Brad asks.
"None of mummy's family liked her so they said no and daddy's parents died years ago. He didn't have no brothers or sisters. The foster people tried to take Jacky and Lil away from me so we ran away." Ivy says shrugging. Before any one of us can say anything else a small scream comes from the living room and Lily come barreling in. She runs straight for Brad with out hesitation. He quickly puts her in his lap holding her close trying to calm her down.
Within minutes she's stopped crying and is almost asleep on his shoulder. Curious I turn to Ivy.
"Why did she choose to go to Brad when she met Connor and I first and you're her sister?" She takes a deep breath before answering.
"Because he reminds her of our daddy. She was a really daddy's girl. We both were but she more so. He had dark curls when he could grow his hair out. He had the softest brown eyes. Lily used to call him her life size teddy bear." She tells us with a wistful smile.
"You guys can stay with us as long as you need." Brad says and the rest of us nod in agreement even James.
"Thank you." She says giving us a true smile.
Well my nieces are coming for the weekend and they're both grounded from electronics so I'm getting my phone taken away for the weekend so it doesn't tempt them. So I decided to update now.
So I noticed a lot of people are doing character asks. Would you like me to do one?
I just noticed I said so a lot oops.

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