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If you want also check out my new story it's called Love in The Backstage.

Hailee=> Hailee Steinfeld
Jared=> Dylan O'Brien
Dylan=> Cody Christian
Meg => Liana Liberato
Lucy=> Shailene Woodley

<<Hailee stop talking in my class!>> Mrs Donny says as she writes a math problem in the board. Mrs Donny is very beautiful. She has curly blonde hair that fall down her waist, piercing blue eyes and big lips but sometimes she yells at me for no reason.

<<It wasn't me mrs Donny..>> I whine as I start to write the math problem on my notebook. She doesn't say anything and keeps writing in the board. The bell rings at the same time she finishes writing in the board.

<<Don't leave until you're done writing.>> She says in a serious tone and sits down on her chair. Three minutes later I'm done writing and I'm already picking up my things when mrs Donny approaches me. I smile sweetly at her showing my toothed smile.

<<Where do you think you're going Hailee?>> She asks and I frown. I wrote all the things written on the board.. What's wrong again? She must saw my confusion.

<<We will wait for your mother together. I have to talk to her about you.>> She says as she gives me a -probably fake- smile and I nod. We walk together down the hall and as we reach the door we see my mother leaning in a wall with a tired smile. I run to her and hug her giving her a kiss in the cheek.

<<Hello mrs Laura. I'm glad you're here because I needed to talk to you. Hailee over here is talking a lot during classes and doesn't seem to attend her classes often.>> What? I only left yesterday because I had a headache but first I took permission with my dad from the principal.

<<That's not true!>> I say already tired of her weird behavior towards me.

<<Hailee why don't you go to talk to Emily as I talk with mrs Donny>>

I start crying as I see my mum's disappointed face from a few meters away. They're talking for at least 5 minutes. I see a small group of kids starting to laugh and I just realised I peed myself. Oh no! This is so embarassing. I start running.



I woke up to the sound of my alarm. It's 7:00 in the morning why did I even agree to go to the church? I could just sleep until noon. I head to the bathroom and brush my teeth then brush my hair and pull them in a high-ponytail. When I walk out of the bathroom I hear my brother James saying to hurry up. I quickly put on a Floral blue dress that ends up mid-thigh and my cowboy boots and head down the stairs. Once I reach the kitchen table everyone has already eaten. I groan and grab an apple as everyone's making their way out of the house.

<<Goodmorning>> I say as I eat my apple. My mum gives me a big smile that immediatly turns into a frown when she sees what my brother is wearing I laugh to myself and head out of the house to find my dad. When I make it to the front door I hear my mum yelling to my brother.

I get in the car and exchange goodmorning's with my dad and then we start humming along my father's favorite song as we wait for mum and James to come. The ride was silent except from the time my mum warned us to behave. We're now in the church. I'm sitting next to my brother who's kicking my feet repeatedly I nudge his side hard making him groan loudly in pain. Then everyone turns to stare at us. Great! I think to myself. I hate being the center of attention. Around all of this faces I notice a very familiar one. Mrs Donny's back. And I thought things couldn't get any worse. She smiles at me with this -so fucking fake- smile that makes me want to punch her. She hasn't changed a lot. She's still this annoying bi-. No way I'm not going to swear in church for her. She turns her attention to a boy next to her. He's quite good-looking. He has the same blue piercing eyes as her but he has brown hair instead. He's already looking at me with a small smile and I smile back. He must be her son.


Yesterday afternoon passed very quickly. After church we went back home ate lunch and then I went to a football match with my father and James. Today's school day. I hate Monday mornings. I'm on my way to school scrolling down my Facebook profile. My phone beeps signalizing me that I have a new friend request. I open it and see an unfamiliar name. Chase McCall. His profile picture reminds me someone but probably I don't know him. He's cute so I accepted him. I usually don't accept strangers but in his profile he says he lives in my neighborhood so I must have seen him around.

I put my phone in my pocket when I realise I reached school.

<<Good morning!>> Meghan -my best friend- says with a big smile.

<<Good morning, Meg.>> I say as I hug her. We head to our lockers and then I see him. Jared. My 2 years crush walking towards us with his big brown eyes looking at me.

<<Hey girls.>> He says with a big adorable smile. The smile I'm in love with.

<<Hey Jared. What's up?>> I say with a big smile as well. Meg only nods and then makes her way to her locker.

<<Nothing new. I wanted to remind you about the test. Get ready to loseee!>> He says as he winks at me and starts walking away. I roll my eyes. Who does he think he is? I'm the best at Biology.

Hey guys. So I decided to write this new story as I see my other one << Almost Real>> hasn't got a lots of reads. I hope you liked this chapter so If you did please vote ,comment and share. See you. ;)

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