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Heyyy guys. I was listening to a Greek song while writing this chapter if you want check it out^ . You can't imagine how happy I am for all the votes, the comments and the support. Lots of kisses :* :* :*

Jared's POV
Why do I keep texting her every time I come here? I should have stopped ages ago. And why did I tell her to forget about my feelings towards her? Because you hope when she sees the text she will come and find you here. A voice in my head adds. Yeah it's true. I texted her only because I can't be without her and again the need of seeing her led me to text her something so stupid and untrue. What the fuck Jared? You keep coming here in the middle of the night only to recall some sweet moments with her and waiting for her to come. But tonight I'm not alone in this damn cold rooftop. I brought my buddies. You're wondering who are they? Well they are just some beers. When did I become that pathetic? I open one beer and when I'm about to drink her I recall Hailee's words to my mind. You shouldn't drink Jared. Especially not more than three beers. And then I remember telling her that they were my only company so she offered me company instead of drinking beers. We used to come here everyday just to see the stars and draw something in this boring rooftop's surface. Our drawings are widespread all over the place fucking remind me why I came here in the first place. My dad's death. He was the only person who understood me and now he's gone. He died exactly eight months ago and I still think he will come back saying it was all a big joke. Crazy much? Yeah that's me. Hailee and me used to be close friends since three months ago till I fucked everything. Suddenly I started feeling weird around her. Not just weird. Beautiful weird and one day I started trying to catch her attention with my stupid jokes. But that's not all. I started arguments with her because I was just so damn stupid trying to help her find out how I'm feeling instead of telling her. I would try to make my own joke and I would end up insulting her without even realizing it. I still have the beer in my hands debating whether to drink her or not. Hailee's not here so..

<<Jared!>> I hear her sweet voice calling my name. Fuck. Am I going crazy?
<<Jared!>> No it's her. I can't believe she came after all the things I said.
<<Hailee>> I say in a whisper but loud enough for her to hear it.
<<Jared don't ever drink again or I'll cut your balls out and feed you with them!>> she says clearly annoyed with my bad habit. She keeps lecturing me but I just grab her arm and pull her in a tight hug. At first she just stood there but now she's hugging me back with her tiny little hands. I breath in her scent trying to put all my bad thoughts away for now. My heart beats extremely fast and I'm sure she can hear it but to be honest I'm glad she can. After all I messed up trying to show her how I feel about her in other ways so I hope she finds what I've been trying to tell her through this hug. After a while of just hugging neither of us seems to want to pull away. I pull back a bit only to see her beautiful face.
<<Oh god I missed you so much even though I saw you a few hours ago..>> I say with a sigh looking straight into her unique brown eyes. She smiles and I can't stop myself from smiling back.
<<So did you bring your lucky pen?>> she says raising her eyebrow in the most adorable way.
<<Yeah. Yours?>> I ask hoping she brought hers, too.
<<Yep!>> she says and pulls hers from the back pocket of her jeans.
We sit cross legged thinking about what to draw.
<<Hmmm.. What about stars?>>
<<Nah.. Not again..>> I say and an idea pops in my head.
<<I know!>> I say a bit too loud for my likings and she giggles.
<<What is it?>> she says excited and a big smile forms in my lips.
<<Put your hand here.>> I demand in a soft tone and she does. I put my hand on top of hers and I feel like I can't breath. Her hand is so soft and warm in contrast mine is cold. I start drawing our palms using my black pen. (Something like the picture ^ )When I finish Hailee draws some nails to her fingers with her red pen and I laugh.
<<What? It looks better like that!>> She whines and I nod unable to speak.
<<Who's turn is to write the date?>>
<<Yours.>> I says still remembering the last time I wrote the date with my black pen.
<<You remember?>> she asks in disbelief and I shake my head.
<<Of course I do.>> I say and give her the red pen. She writes "21/1" with big letters and adds a smiley face at the end.
<<Done!>> she says and takes out her phone to take a picture of our drawing. She looks at her phone and frowns.
<<It's already five in the morning.>> she says and I frown too.
<<We better get you home before your mum notices.>> I say as I stand up. I grab her hand and help her stand up too. I only hope we will come together again sometime..


A/N: So did you like this chapter? Vote, share and comment if you did!

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