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Hey guys I hope you'll like this chapter because it took me some time to describe this scene because I am from Greece and I don't speak English very well..

If you like causing trouble up in the hotel rooms
If you like having secretly rendezvous
If you like to do the things you know that we shouldn't do baby I'm perfect!
Baby I'm perfect for you.
Song for this chapter One Direction- Perfect.
Dylan's POV
We decide to explore the other rooms. We're still holding hands and I can't stop smiling. We reach the door of a bedroom and go inside. There's only a big bed in the middle that's broken but you can still sit at least. Hailee leaves my hand and I frown. She sits in the bed and looks at me with a big smile and an unreadable look. I sit beside her and she puts her hand on top of mine. I turn to look at her and her eyes meet mine. It's very dark here but I can clearly see her bright brown eyes and pink lips. I stare at her lips for awhile and when I look at her eyes again she presses her lips in a thin line. That means that she doesn't want to kiss me. Fuck and I thought she felt something for me, too. She leans closer and all my doubts fade away and I lean closer too. She puts her hands in my chest and with her tiny fingers she pulls me by the hem of my hoodie even closer that our noses are touching. I can feel her unsteady breath and I smile to reassure her that I want her,too. She looks in my lips once again and she crashes her lips with mine without closing her eyes. I start to close my eyes and I see her close hers, too. I smile through the kiss and bite her lip. She giggles and I stifle a laugh trying not to break the kiss. I slid my tongue in her mouth and she pulls her body closer to mine. Our lips move together and I feel like the world has stopped. I put my hands around her waist and we continue to kiss. Suddenly my phone beeps and she pulls away looking at the ground shyly. Who the fuck is it? I pull my phone out of my pocket to check who it is. We hear a cracking noise from inside and Hailee looks at me panicked. My phone beeps again and I see a text from an unknown number.

""You are going to pay for that..""
What? It's probably a prank, isn't it?
<<We should leave.>> Hailee whispers to me and I nod. We silently head down the stairs but Hailee almost trips but I fortunately catch her. We walk out of the house ,then start running and laughing uncontrollably.

<<That was awesome!>> Hailee says as we walk to her house.
<<I told you!>> I say proudly and she gives me a -whatever-you-say- look and stops walking.
<<Oh my god! My father's outside!>> she says pointing her finger to her house's door.
<<Let's go from the back.>> I say and she nods. We run towards her back door and she pulls out a key from under the door's carpet and opens the door. She gives me a kiss in the cheek and quickly walk inside and closes the door. I smile to myself and start walking towards my house. This was the best night ever.


Hailee's POV
I kissed him. We kissed. He leaned first but I kissed him. Yeah that means he likes me. Yeah he will fall for me very soon and I'm going to hurt him. But am I going to be hurt,too? Pss not. What if I liked the kiss? After all it was my first one how couldn't I? It doesn't mean anything at all to me. It's just a game. He likes playing games and I like the players. Yeah because I'm one of them now and even though I feel guilty, I also feel proud? Nah. Undoubtedly not. But in the end it would probably be good to see him hurt and invulnerable running back to his bitchy mum crying. I try to sleep but I can't.. I have this feeling in my stomach called.. butterflies? Or maybe just guilt and regret. I can't understand but I should ignore it ,just close my eyes and wait for sleep to come. Tomorrow's going to be a very long day. I close my eyes remembering the kiss and smile.

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