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Hailee's POV

I'm already done writing my Biology's test 20 minutes before the bell rings but as always I don't make a move to give it until the last minute. I'm so focused on my paper that I didn't hear the bell ring. I hear someone cough and I look up to see mr. Johnson waiting impatiently for me to give him the test. I give him an apologetic smile, hand him the paper and turn to leave. As I reach the door I see Meg waiting for me with a smile on her face. That's not good. This smile only means one thing..

<<Oh my god! You won't believe what happened! Kail talked to me!>> Kail is Meg's 3 years old crush. She has been in love with him since the first day she met him. Kail's quite handsome that's why he has every girl he wants but the problem is that he doesn't want one specific girl, he wants all of them!

<<Really? What did he say?>> I say in a happy voice even though I am not in a good mood.

<<He asked me why I was absent on Friday's English class!>> What? I'm pretty sure she wasn't absent!

<<I thought you weren't?>> I say in a questioning tone.

<<Yeah, I know but he just didn't see me.>> Oh yeah.. right! He was probably flirting with a girl that's why he didn't "notice" her. I sigh. He's a big jerk.


After school me and Meg went to my house, ate lunch and did our homework. Now we're walking down the streets near my house. That's when I see him . Mrs Donny's son. He's already looking at me with his big blue eyes and I find it hard to keep eye contact. I immediatly look away. I feel my legs go weak and then I grab Meg's hand and drag her with me quickly walking past him. I can feel his stare and I feel like I don't know where I'm going. I just keep walking with Meg by my side looking confused. She doesn't say anything and I'm glad. That's when I start laughing with no fucking reason.

<<Meg that's so funny!>> I say faking a laugh. Meg stops walking. She still has this confused look on her face and I don't know what to say next. What is wrong with me? I give her a pleading look and she just nods and continues walking. I sigh in relief. Pfff.. I was so close to embarass myself.

When we reach the park near my house, we sit on a bench and scroll down our Facebooks profiles and that's when I see I have a new message. Weird. Maybe Jared wanted to ask me about Biology. Yes it's probably him. I open the message and I frown when I see that it's not him but Chase McCaul. The guy I accepted yesterday.

-Hey girl ;) Sup? -

Ok that's weird. I don't even know the guy and he's talking to me like we're friends or something. Should I ask him who he is? or block him? No.. He's probably going to think I'm an anti-social weirdo.

-Hey ^-^ Nothing u?-

I reply and when I'm about to close my phone he answers.

-Nothing, too. I'm bored.. wanna talk? <3-

-I think we're already talking xx :P -

<< Hailee I'm going home. see you tomorrow?>> She says and I nod. After a while of texting Chase I decide to leave. That's when I realise I've been texting for half an hour. Wow. Chase seems a pretty good guy. He didn't seem offended even though I insulted his aunt ( Of course, I didn't know Mrs Donny was his aunt) What a coincidence, right? When I got home I had a quick shower and now I'm sitting in my bed drawing. When I look out of my window I realise it's a full moon today. I sigh. Full moon reminds me of Jared. Everytime there's full moon he texts me to open my window to see it. He hates it when the clouds cover the moon and the stars because he feels alone. As I stare at the sky , something catches my attention. Someones waving at.. ME?. I put on my glasses and I see it's Chase. I wave back and then he winks? Ok.. I should avoid anything that will embarass me so I just smile back and head out of my room.

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