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Jared's POV
Where is she going? Why did I lie to Dylan about dating her? I'm so fucked up. Now she hates me more if it's even possible. I run my hand through my hair frustrated about my bad behavior towards her. Why do I keep messing with her? Because you want her to notice you stupid. No I don't want her. She fucking annoys me. We used to be close but then I started feeling weird around her as a result everytime we tried to make conversatipn we end up arguing about stupid things because I tried to play it cool and smart but I ended up confusing her. And what if I want her? She just hates me so why would I care about her? Do I even make sense? Hell I am. I should follow her. I push people out of my way and make my way out of school. I see her walking down the opposite street with Dylan trailing behind her like a lost puppy. He's so pathetic. But I'm doing the same right now. Fuck. I'm pathetic myself. I run towards them and call Hailee's name. Wait! What am I going to say? Sorry for kissing you yesterday and for lying to your lover boy but I think I have a crush on you? Or should I even reveal the truth behind the kiss. If I tell her I used her to win I will break her heart. I knew this asshole was watching because I texted him to come and see us because I knew he has feelings for her. But then also I kissed because I needed her. I wanted to kiss her so much so I grabbed the opportunity without even thinking about her feelings. How did I ended up so heartless? Hailee stops in her tracks and turns to look at me with a blank expression. I froze on my seat unable to speak looking directly into her eyes. Dylan tugs gently her arm and focuses her attention to him.

<<Hailee.. Please listen to me!>> Dylan says grabbing her arm to prevent her from leaving.
<<Leave me alone!>> Hailee says trying to get rid off his grip but failing miserably.
<<I-I have feelings for you..>> he says releasing her arm.
<<I-I hate you!>> she says mocking his tone. I look at him and almost regret my decision because his face holds a pained expression that almost got me to pity him. Dylan turns to look at me and I glare at him even though I can totally understand how awful he feels. He made her hate him just like me but contrariwise it was all my fault for Hailee to hate both of us. But the stupid thing is that he chose to believe me instead of asking her for the truth so the blame's not only mine.

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Dylan's POV

<<I-I have feelings for you..>> I say trying not to break down in front of them.
<<I-I hate you!>> she says with a cold stare and I feel like a knife cut my heart on half. I feel so broken that I can even see Jared looking at me with a pitied expression. I turn to look at him and his -almost- sympathetic look turns into a glare. I bite my lip hard and try to remain calm but I'm the verge of starting to punch a wall and fall on my knees pleading for her to forgive me for not believing her and kissing another girl. I'm a big jerk just like Jared. Hailee turns to leave and once again I try to stop her.
<<Hailee! I'm so sorry! I don't know why I didn't even ask you about the truth!>> I say with my voice breaking at the end. I must sound like a pussy but I don't give a fuck right now because I want her to believe me. She keeps walking and I punch the wall beside me making her squeal.
<<Hailee!>> Jared finally speaks and Hailee once again turns to look at him totally ignoring me.
<<What?!>> she snaps angrily at him.
<<I played with you and I'm not going to deny it because that was my goal from the start.>> he says with a smirk taking me by surprise. What did he just say?
<<And I also kissed you and texted Dylan to come and see us in order to make him lose control of his action as a result my team won.>> he says and her mouth forms an "O". He's unbelievable.
<<I knew you only kissed me because you wanted to calm down to win that's why I was trying to push you away. But I didn't expect you to even text Dylan to come and see it!>> he yells at him with all her might and I start to feel unwanted in their conversation. I just want to kill him right now but that only will make things worse. I knew he was an asshole but that was so low for him.
<<I can't believe I was in love with you!>> Hailee blurts out and I look up to see who's talking to. She's looking at Jared and I feel the whole world come crashing down at me. She was in love with him?
<<What?>> Jared asks surprised and his face softens. What the fuck is going on? Was I only a game that each one can throw at each other in order to avoid admitting their fucking stupid feelings? Screw you Dylan! That's all my fucking fault. I punch once again the wall beside me and I feel blood start running but I ignore it and turn to leave.

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