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This chapter is dedicated to healer12 for the amazing cover.
Thanks again for all the support. Love u all.
Oh and the there is a picture of Lucy^

Lucy's POV
It's three a.m. and I'm trying to carry Meg through the streets to her house because she passed out. It's so dark and I can't even see where I'm going. Where is Hailee when we need her? Ugh. Meg's body slips out of my hands and a loud squeal escapes from my lips. I can't hold her any longer.
<<Lucy?>> I hear a voice calling my name and I see a tall figure approach me in the dark. Luckily it's Dylan.
<<Hey Dyl.>> I play it cool even though I'm so close to start crying in front of him. I'm so exhausted.
<<Do you need any help?>> he says as he extends his bruised covered with blood hand. I raise an eyebrow at him.
<<Oh that's nothing.. I accidentally punched a wall.>> he says as he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck with his other hand. I just roll my eyes and pass him Meg's body.
<<Thank you.>> I say smiling and he smiles back.
<<Where to?>> he asks and I think about it for a moment. Maybe I should take her to my house because if her mum sees her like this she will ground her for the rest of her life.
<<My house. It's three blocks away. Do you think you can manage?>> I ask pointing at Meg and he just shrugs.
<<Yeah she's not that heavy.>> he says as he starts walking with me beside him. We walk in silence until he decides to speak first.
<<So.. Did you have fun at the party?>> he asks looking at me wit curious eyes .
<<Yeah.. It wasn't that fun but it wasn't boring either.>> I say shrugging and he nods. Silence again. The only sound here is the noise our shoes make as we walk down the streets.
<<So..>> This time I break the silence.
<<Did you have fun at the party?>> I ask awkwardly and he turns to look at me.
<<Yeah.. >> he says breaking eye contact and looks at the ground. He seems to be a bit annoyed with the party subject.
<<What's your favorite color?>> I blurt out without thinking. Oh god that's so embarrassing. I hear him chuckle but I don't dare to look at him.
<<Green. Yours?>> he asks.
<<Blue.>> I say still looking anywhere but him.
<<Interesting.>> he says and I just nod looking at the ground.
<<Hmm so what's your favorite animal?>> he says and I try to fight a smile.
<<Dogs. Yours?>> I ask turning to look at him.
<<Pigs.>> he says and I give him a weird look.
<<Pigs?>> I ask thinking I heard him wrong. Is he trying to make a joke. Should I laugh? Nah.
<<Yeah pigs.>> he says smiling shyly.
<<Oh.. How's that?>> I ask clearly interested about the subject.
<<I just like to make the difference.>> he says and laughs.
<<That's good!>> I say a bit too excited and cheerfully than I should. Perfect. Now he's going to think I'm a weirdo.
<<I know right?>> he says smiling widely with his cute dimples starting to show up.
<<Here we are..>> I say pointing at my house.
<<How are we going to bring her in?>> He asks a bit confused.
<<I will manage. Thanks for your help.>> I say and try to carry Meg but I end up falling to the ground with her on top of me.
<<Yeah.. I can see that.>> he says and bursts out laughing.
<<hey! It's not that funny!>> I say trying to stand up but this time I fall on my butt with a loud thud.
<<Ouch!>> I say a bit too loud.
<<Let me help you.>> he says as he grabs Meg's hand and carry her once again.
<<Where's your room?>> he asks and follows me inside as I open my houses' door. I open my bedrooms' door and he places her gently in my bed.
<<Thanks again.>> I say and extend my right hand to him. But instead of shaking my hand he pulls me in a quick hug.
<<Goodnight Lucy.>> he says as he walks out of my room.
<<Goodnight.>> I say more to myself than him still frozen on my spot.
<<Lucy?>> Meg asks with a sleepy voice.
<<Hey party girl!>> I say with a small chuckle.
<<What time is it?>> she asks and I unlock my phone's screen to check.
<<It's 3:30 in the morning.>> I say as I help her change into some more comfortable clothes. I change into my Pajama's too and join her in the bed.
<<How did I come here?>> she asks confused and I shake my head.
<<Long story.>> I say and my eyes start to close.
<<Goodnight Meg.>> I say pulling my duvet over my body.
<<Goodnight Lucy.>> she says the moment my eyes closed.

A/N : Hey guys this wasn't a long chapter but I hope you enjoyed. Let me now if you like it so far in the comments. Vote and share! See you! :)

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