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Hey guys this chapter is the most important because that's how Hailee got the idea for her revenge. See you ;)
Dylan's POV
We're watching a movie in her room and I want so desperately to ask her why she was crying but I don't want to be rude. I try to focus on the screen but I can't stop peeking glances at her way.
<<Why were you crying?>> I asked without hesitation.
<<I -uh.. I wasn't crying!>> she says and turns to look at me. Her eyes are a dark shade of brown and they're so-
<<Do I have something in my face?>> she says in an almost panicked tone. Oh god she's adorable!
<<No I just like your eyes.>> I say and my eyes widen in realization. Did I just say that to her? Oh god.. I didn't mean to say it but to be honest I'm glad I did because I see her blush.
<<Thanks..>> she says and breaks eye contact. Not again! Am I so ugly that she can't even look at me? Then see turns to look at me again and that is enough for me to forget all these stupid thoughts. We're so close that If I move a little we will-
She leans a little closer and I almost forget how to breath. I don't know what she's trying to do but I want to kiss her so I lean closer and then-
The door opens and Jared comes in. What the hell is he doing here?!

Hailee's POV
We were about to kiss when the door suddenly opened and Jared came in wet. What is he doing here? And how did he come in? Jared has an angry expression in his face and I can't help but feel guilty.. But I shouldn't because he's the one who kicked me out of his house.
<<What the fuck are you doing here?!>> Jared asks Dylan in a scary voice but Dylan doesn't seem frightened. Dylan just shakes his head and answers in a calm tone.
<<We were watching a movie.>> he says and Jared burst out laughing. This is not good..
<<What's so funny?>> Dylan asks in a quite annoyed voice.
<<Don't you dare to try and kiss her again!>> he says and I'm starting to feel annoyed too because I'm not his girlfriend to say that kind of things!
<<or what?>> Dylan asks. Oh god he should shut up now if he wants to-
Before I can finish my thought Jared grabs Dylan from his shirt and pushes him in the wall. I quickly stand up and try to pull Jared away but he punches Dylan jaw and Dylan falls in the ground. He's bleeding.
<<What the hell Jared?!>> I ask as I grab Jared's hand and try to push him but he just chuckles ,pushes me out of his way and just walks out of the room. I see Dylan struggling to stand up and I help him sit at the couch.
<<I'm so sorry..>> I say and sit beside him.
<<It's not your fault.. Are you his girlfriend?>> he asks and I shake my head no.
<<No. I don't know what's wrong with him!>> I say and I see him stand up.
<<I'd better go.. See you tomorrow?>> he says and I nod. Then he leaves and I'm alone in my room until James shows up.
<<What happened?>> he says with his voice full of concern.
<<You let Jared in, didn't you?>> I say ignoring his question. He sighs and nods.
<<Sorry I didn't expect anything like that to happen..>> he says and pulls me in a hug.


It's been raining the whole day and I feel very lonely. After the incident with Jared and Dylan I decided to stay home all day and draw something but I can't focus. I hate Jared. What's his problem anyway? He always ignores me or makes fun of me and now he decides to beat up my friends for no reason? Maybe it was a sign that I shouldn't kiss Dylan.. After all I just met him a week ago. But to be honest I secretly wanted to kiss him that's why I made the first step. Dylan makes me feel safe even though I don't know him that much and I think he feels the same because I can see it in his eyes. Yeah that sounds lame but it's true. But what if he's playing with me? Yeah that's probably why he's being nice to me. Yeah right a guy can't be nice to a girl! Yeah but not to me! Who would want to hang out with me? I'm just a weird, ugly girl. Yeah it's a possibility. He's probably like his mum. I hate everyone! Why can't someone love me for the way I am? I won't cry. They play with me? I'll play with them. I'm going to make Dylan feel as awful as I used to feel around his mum. Nobody messes up with me. Nobody !

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