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It's Sunday morning and unfortunately the rain has stopped. I was bored as hell so I decided to go for a walk. I'm walking down the streets when I see a familiar boy walking towards me with his skateboard. Dylan. He looks so hot in his black skinny jeans and blue hoodie but that shouldn't distract me from my plan. He approaches me with a small smile and I smile back.
<<Hey Hailee. I'm going for skate wanna come?>> he says and I nod. I don't know what I'm gonna do with the plan. I'm sure he isn't a bad guy-
<<Hailee! Dylan!>> an annoying familiar voice sounds from behind me and I turn to see Mrs Donny.
<<Good morning Mrs Donny!>> I say with a sweet voice. She smiles and tries to hug Dylan. Dylan gives her a -mum not now- look and pulls back. She gives him a glare and he just rolls his eyes.
<<Don't be stupid Dylan! Hailee over here has peed herself in front of the whole school! A mummy hug isn't a humiliation!>> What did she say? My eyes widen but I quickly recover and answer to her.
<<Yeah.. That was very->> I try to say but Dylan cuts me off.
<<Mum what was that for?!>> he asks with a shocked expression. I look down at my feet feeling unwanted in their conversation.
<<Dylan.. I was just joking honey! Right Hailee?>> She asks I don't dare to look at her so I just nod. I hate her for making me feel so weak.
<<I don't like these kind of jokes especially when they include my friends!>> he says and grabs my hand and drags me away from her. Thanks God. Or should I say thanks Dylan? Maybe not. A few meters away from Mrs Donny, Dylan puts down his skateboard and jumps on it. He offers me his hand. I'm afraid to skateboard. I know it sounds ridiculous but I am scared of speed. I hesitate for a minute but then I see Mrs Donny looking at me with a glare so I just take his hand. I want to go as far away from her as possible. He starts to slide his foot on the ground making us go faster. I feel like I can't breath but I try to hide it. Dylan seems to notice my unsteady breath and grabs my hand and squeezes it. I immediately relax. These are the moments that you feel like a star in a video clip skateboarding with your "bad boy" boyfriend earning glares from the cheerleaders. But in my case Dylan's not my boyfriend and we're definitely not earning any glares from people because they aren't any stupid girls around here. Just me and him enjoying a sunny Sunday morning. We reach the park and Dylan stops the skateboard. We head to a bench and sit down. We stay silent for a moment until he speaks.
<<Sorry about my mum..>> he says and turns to look at me and I just stare at him not able to speak.
<<Uh- I- It's okay! She was just joking!>> I say trying to make him feel better.
<<Hailee.. I'm not stupid! I can see it in your eyes.>> he says and I chuckle.
<<It's very obvious, isn't it?>> I say with a big smile.
<<I hate lying.. So.. Yes.>> he says and smiles back. After awhile of looking at each other he speaks
<<So what do you do in your free time?>> I want to impress him but he hates lying.
<<I just draw and read. Nothing extreme or special.>> I answer truthfully.
<<You?>> I ask and wait for his answer.
<<I just play football and basketball. I rarely skate..>> he says and I nod.
<<I also write songs.>> he says and turns to look at me afraid of my reaction.
<<Songs?>> I ask and chuckle.
<<Yeah I know it's stupid.>> he says and laughs. What?
<<What? No that's amazing! What kind of songs you write?>> I ask and he seems clearly taking aback from my excited tone.
<<Mostly short songs like poems with a certain and specific rhythm.>> he says with a shy smile. Dylan? Shy? Even though I think it's weird for a guy to be shy Dylan just seems so adorable this way that I want to kiss his -now pink- cheeks.
<<I mostly write for my mood or funny things. Lately I've been trying to find inspiration because if the stupid rain continues I'll be bored.>> he says and I frown.
<<What's wrong with raining?>> I ask and immediately regret it. I must sound so stupid and childish.
<<What? Nothing's wrong with rain. I just hate staying home.>> he says and I feel my cheeks flame from embarrassment.
<<Yeah..>> I say and bite my lip.

2 hours later

I'm on my way home when I spot Chase across the street. He's talking to his phone. I don't want to be rude and interrupt him so I just keep walking. I walk past him but he hasn't noticed me yet.
<<Yeah man! That's ridiculous she believed that you write!>> he says and I feel my heart beat faster. Who is he talking to? Why do I have a feeling that they're talking about me? I hear loud laughs from the other line.
<<What else did she ask?>> he says and then I hear Dylan's voice from the other side. I stop walking and just stare at the ground. They aren't talking about me, are they? I quickly start running towards my house. I'm not gonna let them play with me. From now on I'm going to make Dylan fall for me and humiliate him in front of the whole school. Mrs Donny and her son have no idea what I am capable of doing.

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