Twenty One

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Hey guys. We're so close to 2016 and I can't believe it. Hope you're having a good time on your holidays. See ya;)

Dylan's POV
Last night I returned home very late. I helped Lucy -Hailee's best friend- to carry Meg -Hailee's other best friend- to her house. Also the situation and the incident with Hailee gave me inspiration to spend the rest of the night writing what I call songs. I didn't even sleep for an hour. I'm exhausted and I don't want to get up. So instead of going downstairs to have breakfast I chose to stay in my room and continue writing endlessly lyrics for my songs. I don't even know how I ended up writing for Lucy when in the first place I was writing about Hailee. Now I'm more confused than before. In my last song I wrote about a little light helping me to escape from the dark and then Lucy's face popped in my head. Basically when I wrote about the dark I was mainly referring to Hailee meanwhile Lucy was the bright light. Damn. I seem like a girl writing about my stupid feelings. I even sound like a girl. Perfect. I need to get out of this house. Maybe some fresh air will help me regain my logic. I wear my black basketball shorts and red hoodie and make my way to Hailee's school to play some basketball. I reach the big gate and my eyes scan the field for any sign of Hailee. When I make sure she's not here I make my way to the nearest basket. I start shooting and the basket makes a pleasant whooshing sound as the ball goes through. I keep shooting when I hear loud laughter from behind me. I turn around hoping it's not her but as always dreams and hopes never come true. My eyes meet Hailee's and this time my heart beats faster than usual because of course she's not alone. She's with Jared and Lucy.

<<Hey man!>> Jared says and makes his way towards me looking strangely friendly. Oh god help me remain calm this time.
<<Hey.>> I say a bit too harsh so I fake a smile in order to make me seem less rude.
<<Hey Dyl.>> A sweet voice catches my attention. Lucy. She smiles at me and I can't help but smile back. Fortunately she's here too.

<<We better leave.>> Jared says sensing my anger towards him. Hailee nods avoiding eye contact. They start walking away but Lucy doesn't make a move to leave.
<<So..>> she says looking anywhere but me and blushing furiously. Wait! She is blushing.
<<So.. Wanna join me for some shooting?>> I ask and she turns to look at me with her hazel eyes.
<<Uhm.. I'm not good at basketball.>> she says looking at the ground feeling embarrassed. I smile to myself.
<<Good.>> I say and she looks at me once again clearly taken aback by my comment. She furrows her eyebrows in confusion and crosses her arms over her chest.
<<What?>> she asks pouting.
<<I can help you improve.>> I say a bit shy but try to cover it up with a wink.
<<Oh.>> she says kicking at the ground with her feet.
<<Come here.>> I say too softly for my likings. Fuck. I must sound like a girl. Again. She hesitantly take some steps closer to me but I just grab gently her arm and pull her in a good five meters distant from the basket. I give her the ball and when she's about to shoot I place her hands a bit higher and position the ball in her hands. My hands brush her skin and I feel tingles run down my spine. Seriously? What's wrong with me? She shoots but the ball doesn't reach the necessary height. She groans and forcefully throws the ball at me and turns to leave.
<<Whoa. Impatient aren't we?>> I ask with a light chuckle and she turns to glare at me. I put my hands up in surrender and she laughs.
<<You can do it. Just have a little patience.>> I say and motion her to come back to her position. She nods and I help her to position her body in the right ankle.
<<This time jump.>> I order and she nods once again murmuring an okay. Even though she's pretty tall for a girl in our age it's still difficult for her. This time the ball goes through the basket.
<<Yeaaaah!>> she shouts proudly and I cover my ears with my hands pretending she hurt my ears. She puts her hand in her hips and gives me a are-you-kidding-me look and try to keep her face serious which she fails miserably and ends up laughing along and I join her.

<<Wanna come for some ice cream?>> I ask her when we almost recovered from our laughter.
<<I'd like that->>She tries to say but a voice cuts her off.
<<but we have to head home.>> Hailee continues for her making her appearance.
<<Right Lucy?>> Hailee asks Lucy with a pointed look and I smirk. She's jealous. Lucy nods.
<<Yeah sorry.. Maybe some other time.>> she says with a small smile.
<<Definitely.>> I say looking straight at her hypnotizing hazel eyes.
Hailee grabs her arm and drags her out of the school. That was fun. I think to myself and head home.

So what do you think? Did you like this chapter? What do you think about Dylan and Lucy? If you did enjoy don't forget to share, vote and comment. See you.

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