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Hailee's POV
It's the big game tonight and we're heading to school (Me, Meg, Lucy and James). We take our seats and wait for the game to begin. I try to spot Dylan through the crowd but I can't find him. I'm so curious about what he wants to tell me that I can't wait anymore.
<<Hailee!>> I hear Dylan's voice and immediately look around to find him. When my eyes meet his I smile widely and he smiles back. He's dressed in his uniform like his other team members but he looks hotter than them. He waves and heads off where his team is and I turn my attention to the other team. Jared's already looking at me with a cold stare and I break eye contact and look at my feet. It starts to rain but the game begins. Jared seems a bit panicked and angry that's probably why he missed the ball three times in a row. Dylan takes the ball from Jared and scores. His team cheers and I clap my hands together earning some glares from some of my classmates for applauding for the opposite -Dylan's- team. I shrug them off and turn my attention back to the game. Chase has the ball and when he is about to pass it to Dylan, Jared takes it and tries to pass the ball to one of his team mates but trips and falls to the ground. I can't take it anymore.. Seeing him like this literally breaks my heart. I can't take my eyes off of him. He stands up and looks at me once again and I smile to reassure him that everything's going to be alright but he just looks away. I sigh and try to spot Dylan. Fortunately he didn't notice me smiling at Jared because that would be a disaster. The game continues and Jared keeps falling and missing the ball contrariwise Dylan scores once again and this time points at me with his finger. The whole crowd turns to look at me but I ignore them and smile at him. After twenty minutes of game the teams head to the changing rooms to rest. My phone beeps and I have a message from an unknown number.
Meet me behind the changing rooms.
Oh my god. It's probably Dylan. I stand up and make my way through the crowd. When I reach the changing rooms nobody's there.
<<Dylan?>> I shout but no one answers. I turn to leave but a hand grabs my elbow and pushes me against the wall. I look up and my eyes meet with Jared's. What?
<<Hailee..>> he says breathing heavily and I look at him utterly confused.
<<Are you okay?>> I ask and he shakes his head.
<<No.>> he says and I nod understanding.
<<I thought it wouldn't rain today.>> I say and try to keep my eyes away from his. I can feel his stare but remain calm even though my heart beats very fast. I hope he can't hear it.
<<Hailee.>> he says a bit louder than before.
<<Yeah?>> I say still avoiding his gaze.
<<Hailee! Look at me! Please..>> he says but I keep staring at the ground.
<<Look I->>
<<Please..>> he says cutting me off and I turn to look at him. His gaze holds a pleading look and my heart beats faster if it's even possible.
<<I need you, Hailee.>> he whispers and leans closer. He rests his head on my shoulder and I start to breath heavily.
<<Don't worry. I'm here. You can do it.>> I say trying to sound calm.
<<I'll be by your side.>> I say and he lifts his head to look at me.
<<No I need you.>> he says and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
<<What do you mean?>> I ask a bit unsure and worried about his answer. He sighs.
<<I need you right now so fucking much.. Only you.>> he says and it's my turn to sigh.
<<Can't you be more specific?>> I ask and he bites his lip.
<< I need you to kiss me.>> he says looking away. What?!
<<W-what?>> I ask hoping I heard him wrong because it's raining heavily. He leans closer and whispers in my ear.
<<I need you to kiss me.>> he says and chills run down my spine.
<<I-I can't..>> I whisper and he takes my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine.
<<Please..>> he begs once more and I don't know what to do..
<<Please.>> he says a bit louder and I grab his face with my hands. I look at his lips for awhile and then lean closer. Am I really doing this? What about Dylan? No I won't kiss him. When I'm about to pull away he crashes his lips with mine. I stay on my spot frozen and he puts his hands on my waist. I don't kiss him back but don't pull away either. His lips are so soft and warm but.. He pulls away and leaves. What did I do? I stay there unable to walk and lean to the wall putting my head in my hands. He kissed me and left.

Dylan's POV
We're in the changing rooms and my phone beeps. I have a message from an unknown number.
Meet me behind the changing rooms. ;)
It's Hailee. I'm sure. A smile forms on my lips and I quickly make my way out. It's the perfect time to ask her what I've been dying to ask her the last couple of days. After the kiss my mum grounded me so I couldn't ask her to be my girlfriend. I turn a corner and what I see makes me stop on my spot. Hailee holds Jared's face with her hands and leans closer to him. Is she going to kiss him? Did she text me to come here and see her kissing Jared? I want to do something to pull this asshole away from her but I'm frozen on my seat. Jared crashes his lips with hers and the whole world comes crashing down at me. That's not happening. I can't believe this. Hailee doesn't kiss him back but doesn't pull away either. What is she doing? I-I can't take it anymore I start running back to the changing rooms.

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