My Birth Name

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Hi guys.

Something you may have realized early on is that I haven't given out my birth name. I read other people's journals, and I see some people who do give out their birth name. I have no problem with that at all. I actually think it's pretty awesome people do that, because they feel comfortable sharing that.

I don't.

If you search my account hard enough, i.e., look at some of the older works and books I've written, you can see that I've signed chapters with my birth name nickname. It's pretty easy to find as well, as I haven't changed it, for old times sake (and because I'm lazy but that's besides the point really). I just haven't given it out here.

I hate hearing it. I hate seeing it. I hate having to write it on my papers in school. I don't want anyone calling me it. I don't know why.

Is it bad that I don't share it with you? It almost feels a bit selfish. I feel a little guilty.

Grey out. (boy)

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