Looking back

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So it's been decided that I'm going to call it Building Blocks. I really liked the idea and irony of the rubber duck but then someone commented and made me realize what a stupid idea that was.

So I think I have eight or nine songs written for that now.

But I was looking back through this old notebook of mine today, a notebook I often wrote down songs I wrote in. I have something like fourteen songs in there, but most of them are very much in the punk/hardcore style, which isn't what I'm going for in Building Blocks. It's odd though. Some of those songs older songs are really good, and some of them are just piles of shit. I'd like to think I've gotten better at songwriting since then, but I'm probably still the same.

Ah well.

Anyway, hope you guys are doing well.

Markie out. (a very effeminate boy)

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