Mother, Fuck Your Bigotry that I May Not Refute

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I am literally in murderous rampage mode.

So while I was just eating my dinner, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that she was reading an article about a trans student in Illinois and idrk what else it was about but.

So while I'm finishing up, this happens:

Her: Do you guys talk about transgenders at school?

Me: No (feeling a sinking pit in my stomach)

Her: I don't get it. I just don't get it. It's like saying you feel black. It's like saying, 'I feel black, the way I talk is black, the way I think is black, so I am black'. It doesn't make sense.

Me: *internally* oh my fucking god what the fuck she did not just- oh no Grey, she did and I am fucking pissed and scared out of my shit to come out to them, gender does not equal skin color???? What the fuck mother you bigot??

Me: *actually, because suspicion would arise if I were to support trans people* I don't know mom, I don't get it either.

I AM SO FUCKING PISSED/SCARED AND SO I AM Hiding in my bathroom until my parents leave to go dancing because I am scared and I also don't want them to see me crying or otherwise doing this?

I'm very upset.

Grey out.

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