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I fucking hate my family seriously.

My mom went to her 30th high school reunion last night, and I asked her how it went this morning. She said good, and that she had a good time, and I was happy for her. She continued speaking about it as I ate breakfast, and here's what she said.

Mom: You know what? Last night, there was this person who used to be the best on the soccer team, but you know what? Last night, he was female.

Me: *in head* oh no here we go

Buttface: Oh great, another Bruce Jenner in the making. Oops, can't call him Bruce Jenner anymore. Caylin Jenner.

Mom: Caitlin.

Buttface: He got the transgender... I just don't get it. Why get the transgender surgery, there's literally no point at all.

All of this was said with their trans son in the room.

And I just...

I feel like I should apologize to my family. For being something they find disgusting, for being something they don't understand, for just being me. For being messed up, for having 'serious mental issues' as my dad says trans people have, and just...

I hate my family sometimes.

Grey out. (boy)

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