
138 13 5

I don't usually do these, but I have a really hard time saying no to someone as nice as Carter (TikiDude67 ) so I'm gonna do this thing.

(I know I was tagged by more people but that's a lot of questions guys and I don't have that much attention span I'm sorry I have a very big thing on my mind)

If you do this, (I won't be tagging anyone so technically I'm breaking the rules; do this if you want) here are the rules:

-repost the rules
-answer all 13 questions and give 13 new questions
-do within a week
-have a creative title

Here we go!

1. What is your dream job?
  Engineer or writer

2. 5 things that make you happy?
- Ronnie definitely
-all of you (there are infinitely many to name; the list would continue on forever)
-writing books
-not having responsibility
-Ronnie's eyes have u seen them I'm so sorry if you haven't I want to post a pic of them here but I won't without its permission

3. What is your favorite word?
(also kinky)

4. Favorite medium of art?
Paint, not that I'm any good at it.

5. Favorite TV show at the moment?
Well, I don't watch TV, so the next best thing is anime, and my favorite anime's are Sword Art Online and Shokugeki no Soma

6. Do you play any instruments?
I can kinda sing, but basically anyone who has touched an instrument before has more talent in their pinkie than I do in my entire body at it. I have an ear for pitch but I have a really hard time reading music and playing chords because I have small hands and my pinkie bends weird.

7. What are your current five favorite songs?
Oh geez.
Oh Ms Believer- TOP
Memory- Undertale OST
Home- Undertale OST
Ghost Fight- Undertale OST
Pathetic House/Spider Dance (the two are tied)- Undertale OST

please don't judge me ok I know I'm trash

8. Favorite number?

9. Hobbies?
  Writing, eating my feelings away, listening to music, and I'm a professional at the following things:
-being sad
-being trash
-being confused with myself

(I'm only half serious)

10. What board game do you love the most?
  Probably Clue, because I am a master at cheating and not being caught doing it.

11. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
  Donald Trump running for president.

12. What are (at least) three things you love about yourself?
  Well... my eyes I think I've mentioned before... my extreme sarcasm when I get overly irritated, and maybe my ability to sense what people are feeling

13. What do you think about the number 13?
  It's just another number to me. I don't have any superstitions about it or anything. It doesn't feel unlucky to me.

So, my thirteen questions if you so choose to answer them are:
1. What kind of flowers are the prettiest?
2. How does rain make you feel?
3. This isn't really a question, but I love you and your eyes and your smile and that haircut and I hope you're doing well today my friend.
4. Is Dan Howell secretly Christopher Robin?
5. What topping do you prefer on pizza?
6. Describe your closest friend in one word.
7. Tell me why you think I'm cool.
8. What do you want to name any children you have?
9. Why does nine always have to be victimized in the joke 'Why is six afraid of seven?'
10. What kind of dog breed is the most adorable?
11. Did you know that if Trump becomes president I want to run away to Canada?
12. On a scale of 1-2007 Pete Wentz, how emo are you right now?
13. First word that pops into your head! Quick!

There we go.

I tag anyone who wants to do it.


Guys March 22 is coming up and I'm not ready.

Possibly something of actual importance in the next chapter so stay tuned.

??? out. (I think my gender abandoned me)

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