Transgender Issues in School

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Hey guys, been a little while. It's been an eventful time since we last spoke, but nothing to go into too much detail about. Nothing to worry about.

So, on to the chapter, that maybe will have content of some substance for once.

Today in my mythology class in school, we spent probably twenty minutes of the class talking about the upcoming election, and at least ten minutes of that discussing transgender issues. We started talking about it because somebody brought up what Donald Trump said recently about how he doesn't care what bathroom someone uses.

We got into it, speaking of how the 'transgender community is small' (at which point I needed to keep my mouth shut), and how they just want to fucking pee for fuck's sake. And how in the US, we're wrongly making this a major political issue, when it's not.

Because there are so many highly conservative people in the country that are afraid that people are doing it to peep in the restroom.

Which of course is ridiculous.

In my state and in my school, you're allowed to use the bathroom that fits the gender that you identify with. And we may be a more open minded state, but I was glad that the group of people I was sitting with in there are so accepting and just as upset that these laws are being made and passed.

I spoke a lot during that discussion today. I had to spend a lot of it trying to control myself from just screaming out 'HELLO ASK THE TRANS PERSON IN THE ROOM'. But you know, I'm not all that mad. It gives me a little bit of hope for the future when I come out. If I end up coming out in high school.

Who knows?

Markie out. (demiboy)

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