2: Nightmares and Worries

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(Killian's POV)
Emma. That's all I can think about right now. We traveled back in time, had an adventure together and then shared the best kiss of my life. The kiss had so much passion and love. Unlike our first kiss in Neverland, this kiss was soft and gentle.

I'm just in my apartment - at Granny's - thinking about all that has happened. And about her. Then, I start to think of where we stand. Are we friends? No, no, we're past that. I hope. But if we're not friends, are we lovers? Or in this world "dating"? Would she want that? I figure I'll talk to her about it tomorrow.

The weird clock says it is 11:30 so I should probably head to bed now. I get ready to go to sleep and then lie down on my bed. Thinking about her. As I drift off to sleep, my last thoughts were of my swan, leaving me with a smile upon my face.

(Emma's POV)
In my dreams - well nightmares - I was standing in front of a house. Although I'm not sure who's house it is at the moment, it feels familiar. Then I hear someone crying out in pain.

I quickly bolt into whoever's house this is and follow the cries until I reach a door. I cautiously open it to see Regina. Only it's not Regina but the Evil Queen. My heart stops as it sees what she's holding.

She's gripping a heart. Full of fear, I look to my right and what I see terrifies me even more. Killian is on the floor gripping his chest and, his face contorted in pain. He looks up at me with those hauntingly beautiful blue eyes. But within those eyes I see pain and fear. Two things I've almost never seen in him.

"Swan," he whispers. A tear rolls down my cheek of which I have no control over. I suddenly find myself overcome with emotions. Sadness, fear but mostly..... anger. I whip my head around to face the Evil Queen. "Let him go," I demand boldly, trying to reign back the fear creeping up inside me.

"No," she says. "You RUINED my life. So now, I'm going to return the favour." Smirking, her grip around the heart tightens. I hear Killian calling out in pain and I rush over to him.

"Killian," I say sadly. "It'll be ok. You'll be ok." I try to reassure us both. His head now rests on my lap. He lets out another cry of pain and then...nothing. His eyes glaze over and he lets out one final breath. "NO!" I scream. "Killian! Come back to me. You can't leave me, c'mon Killian, you have to wake up! Please wake up." Tears fall rapidly from my eyes and fall onto his chest.

I hear Regina laughing evilly in the background.

Suddenly, I jolt awake, terrified and drenched in sweat. It was only a dream. My breathing slows down as a wave of relief washes over me. Or was it? My eyes pop open as my mind begins to wander. Maybe this was telling me something. Maybe Killian's in trouble.

Fear takes a hold of me and I jump out of bed. I quickly pull on my boots and bolt out the door not caring about my looks or the fact that I'm in my pajama's. I just need to see that he's okay.

I desperately sprint to Granny's - where Killian told me he was staying - and dash up the stairs, trying hard not to trip, as I run towards Killian's room. I bang on the door hoping he will answer.

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