19: The loss of a loved one

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(Emma's POV)
I wake up to the sound of my phone buzzing on the night stand. I close my eyes and sigh before picking it up. A picture of mother appears on the screen and I answer the phone. "Hello?" I mumble into the phone.

"Emma, it's your mother. You and Killian need to meet us at our place. Now," my mother's voice came through the phone, very stern and suddenly I was wide awake.

"Why? What happened?" I ask, worriedly.

"Just come, I'll explain once you arrive," she says.

"We're on our way," I say and hang up. I look over at Killian who's still sleeping. I wish we could just sleep-in without a care in the world. One of these days. He then begins to toss and turn. Is he having a nightmare? I begin to shake him. "Killian, wake up," I say.

He suddenly jolts out of his sleep panting and gasping for air. The look on his face seems like he had just seen a ghost or something. He frantically looks around until his eyes land on mine. A look of relief washes over his face and he lets out a huge breath that he must've been holding in. "Oh thank god" he breathes out, and pulls me into his embrace. He holds onto me tightly.

"Killian, I'm fine, what happened?" I ask and slowly release from the hug. I put both hands on his shoulders and look into his eyes.

"It was just a nightmare," he says. "I'm just glad you're ok." I smile reassuringly at him.

"Well, I know you just woke up, but we have to head to my parents' place," I say.

He furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "Why?" he asks.

"I don't know, but it seems important," I say.

"Ok then, let's get ready to go," he says and slowly gets out of bed. I then do the same and head to the washroom to get changed. Once we're both ready, we head out the door, climb into my bug and drive to my parents' place.

When we enter the room, I see my parents and they both seem stressed, worried and.....sad? "What happened?" I ask cautiously. Scenarios start piling up in my mind of what could cause them to be this way.

"More people are starting to loose their memories, and fast," David says.

"Like who?" I say, almost too afraid to ask.

My dad takes a breath and says, "Like Robin." Killian and I both gasp.

"No..." I say.

"He's not the only one. Unfortunately, everyone in the Merry men's camp lost their memories last night," David says sadly.

"I'm afraid that Regina's not taking this too well," Mary Margaret says, also sad.

"Where is she?" I ask.

"She's with Henry in her vault," Mary Margaret responds.

"Just out of curiosity, where is everyone who lost their memories?" Killian asks.

"Some are at the hospital, others are with the fairies," David says. There seems to be something else that has my parents feeling worried and scared.

"Are you guys ok? You look like you've just seen a ghost," I ask. Just like Killian did.

"Your mother and I just had some nightmares last night. That's all," David says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah, why does that seem so fascinating?" David asks.

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