30: Arendelle

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This chapter is going to be about what happened in Arendelle when Elsa, Anna, Kristoff and Ingrid return. You may skip this chapter if you'd like, it's not that important. But for those of you who want to know what happened, here you go!

(Third person's POV)
Elsa, Anna, Kristoff and Ingrid step out of the portal and find themselves right in front of the castle gates. Elsa approaches the gates and try's to open them, only to find them locked.

"Ugh! It's locked," Elsa says frustrated.

"Feels weird being locked out of the castle instead of in," Anna says.

"I guess Elsa and I will just have to blast our way through," Ingrid concludes.

"Alright," Elsa says, a bit unsure of the plan.

"On 3, ready?" Ingrid says as her and Elsa step forward. Elsa nods. "1...2...3!" And with that, Elsa and Ingrid direct their magic towards the gates and begin to blast the gates with ice. The gates slowly begin to freeze and soon, they explode into chunks of ice.

"You did it!" Anna exclaims.

"Now, let's go get our kingdom back," Elsa says as she begins to walk towards the castle, the rest following close behind. The group proceeds down the long hallways of the castle. Suddenly they hear someone barking orders at others.

"I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that's Hans," Kristoff says.

"They must be in the throne room," Anna says.

"Alright we need a plan," Elsa says and turns to the others.

"I've got an idea that might just work," Anna says, determined.

Hans sits upon the throne and is barking orders to servants and guards. 4 of his 12 brothers stand on each side of their younger brother. "Alright now off with you!" Hans shouts at the servants and guards. They all scurry out the door, trying to get away from the cruel man.

Hans' brothers' laugh as they watch the scared people flee from the scene. "When shall we start the executions Hans?" One of the brothers says with a cruel smirk.

"Soon, brother. First we have our fun with the servants, then we execute them," Hans says.

"ENOUGH!" Someone screams. The five brothers turn their heads to see Elsa and Ingrid entering the room. Hans squints his eyes and quickly widens them in shock and slight fear.

"You," Hans says and points to Ingrid. "You're that woman who was trapped in the urn. The one who froze me!"

"Yes, that I am," Ingrid says, smirking at the man's fear.

"We're here to take back my kingdom," Elsa exclaims.

"Well you see that's no good, because this is my kingdom now," Hans tries to sound confident but his voice wavers. Hans knows how powerful these two are and without the urn, he can no longer trap them.

"We'll see about that," Elsa says and nods towards Ingrid. Ingrid then aims her magic at Hans' four older brothers.
Their eyes widen with fear, for they think they will die. But instead, Ingrid uses her magic to glue their feet to the floor and tie their hands together.

Hans is shocked and confused, he does not have a plan. As soon as he looks back up at the two woman he hears someone call his name He whips his head to the left and sees Anna. His eyes widen once again.

"Anna?! How are you alive?" Hans says.

"That's not important. The important thing is that I'm here to help take back the kingdom, and you're in my way," Anna says with anger. Hans turns to the right to flee but is stopped.

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