22: I've lost everyone, I can't lose you too

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(Emma's POV)
Killian carries Neal and I all the way to his apartment. Once we enter, Killian gently places Neal in his car seat down on the kitchen counter. Then he places me carefully down on the couch. I can't face him, so I look at the floor.

Killian takes a seat next to me. We both sit there in silence for a while, until I speak up. "I'm sorry that I yelled at you," I whisper.

"You have no reason to apologize, love. I understand," Killian replies.

"But you were just trying to help me and I treated you poorly and--" I ramble on.

"Swan," Killian says. "It's okay."

"This is all my fault," I mumble. But clearly not quiet enough.

"Swan, listen to me. It's not your fault," Killian says firmly.

"Yes it is, Killian. The snow queen is after me so she's going after everyone in this town, everyone I love, to get me alone," I say.

"That's not your fault," Killian says. "Don't blame yourself."

"I mean, I've already lost my friends, my parents and my son." Tears rapidly begin to fill my eyes. "And soon I'm going to lose you too and then I'll be all alone." The tears slowly descend from my eyes, and down my cheeks. I have never cried so much as I have in the last 24 hours. And I fear that won't stop.

"Hey, don't cry," Killian says. He wipes away my tears. "Everyone's going to be okay."

"Is it?!" I ask, loudly.

"Yes, it is," Killian says. "Now, how about we have something to eat?"

"I don't know..." I say. I'm still really upset about my parents and Henry.

"Come on, please?" Killian asks. I do want to spend some time with him before....it...happens.

"Ok, sounds good," I say and give him a small smile but it doesn't quite reach my eyes. And Killian sees this.

Killian and I go into the kitchen. "How about I make us some grilled cheese sandwiches. Would that cheer you up?" Killian asks me.

"I don't know. Do you even know how to make them?" I ask.

"I've picked up a few things from watching you cook," he says with a smirk. I smile sadly. I sit on one of the stools in front of Neal. He's still peacefully sleeping. I wish my life was that simple. I watch as Killian makes our grilled cheese (which is pretty impressive considering he only has one hand and a hook).

(Killian's POV)
I successfully finished making the sandwiches, and they look quite perfect if I do say so myself. I place them on two plates and hand one plate to Emma.

"One perfectly well-made grilled cheese m'lady," I say as I hand her the plate.

"Thanks," Emma mumbles. I desperately want to cheer her up but I know that nothing will. She just lost her parents and her son in one day. And soon, she'll lose me too. We eat our sandwiches and avoid the obvious topic.

Once we finish eating, (being the gentlemen that I am) I clean up the kitchen and put the dishes in the "dishwasher".
I finish cleaning up and Emma asks, "Do we have any chocolate ice-cream left?"

"I believe..." I walk over to the freezer and open it. "We do!" I take it out. I then get a spoon to scoop some ice-cream into two bowls. I hand one to Emma.

"My hero," Emma says with a smirk, trying to lighten up for my sake. I smile at her effort. "How about we go watch a movie on Netflix?"

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