4: The ice beast

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(Emma's POV)
My father and I were peacefully working at the Sheriff's station. Until the phone rang. I pick it up and answer with, "Hi this is the Sheriff's station. How may I help you?"

"There's this....and it chased me....and," a woman's voice came through the phone and she was breathing heavily and not making any sense.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down a bit," I say calmly. "Take a deep breath and tell us what happened." I then put the phone on speaker so my dad could hear as well.

I could hear the woman slowly taking a few deep breaths. She then explains what happened, "I was taking a hike in the forest when suddenly this gigantic monster roars at me and starts to chase me!"

"Can you describe to us what this 'beast' looked like?" I ask.

"It was white and it was almost like a gigantic snowman made of ice but much worse!" The woman says in fear. I raise a questionable eyebrow at my father who just shrugs, furrowing his eyebrows together, clearly never having heard of such a beast.

"It's okay. Where are you now?"

"I'm at the toll bridge," she responds.

"Thank you so much. Just remain calm and we'll send someone to get you while we take care of this ice beast," I reply.

"Okay," she says.

I hang up the phone and look at my dad. "So what's the plan?" He asks.

"You'll go pick up the woman at the toll bridge and I'll take care of the ice beast," I state.

"No Emma, it's too dangerous!" My dad says firmly yet worriedly.

"You asked me what the plan was, and that's my plan," I explain. "I can handle it dad." His eyes flicker as I say the word dad. But then he replies, "You can't go alone."

"I can't risk anyone else getting hurt! I have magic, I've got this. Please dad," I beg the man. He looks worried. Then he closes his eyes, sighs and responds with, "As soon as I'm done bringing the woman back into town, I'll meet up with you. And please call me if something goes wrong or you need help." His eyes are pleading.

"I will," I promise. My dad quickly hugs me, kisses me on the head and then rums outside towards his truck. I grab my keys, lock up the station and then get into my bug. I drove out to the forest and park my car. I grab my gun and start walking further into the forest to find the ice beast.

I was only walking for a few minutes when suddenly I hear a loud roar and look behind me. There stood the ice beast. It knocked the gun out of my hand. I widen my eyes. My magic! I close my eyes at aim at the beast. My magic hits him and he's knocked back. "Take that frosty," I say.

Then, he turns back around and roars as spikes of ice poke out, covering his body. "Shit," I utter before I take off, the beast close behind. I curse as I realize my phone's in my car. So, I start screaming out for help, praying to god that someone hears me.

(Killian's POV)
I was walking around town wondering what to do. I need to find a hobby or something. All of a sudden I hear a loud roar coming from the forest. I quickly run into the forest when I hear another roar. I was getting closer when I hear someone screaming, "HELP!". No...it couldn't be...I thought as I quickly recognize the voice.


I ran as hard and as fast as I could screaming, "SWAN! WHERE ARE YOU!"

I stop short when I see Emma on the ground with a few scratches on her face. I see fear in her eyes as she was looking up at what seems to be a ice beast of some sort.

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