29: Mother and Son

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(Killian's POV)
I wake up to the sound of my phone going off. I look at the time: 3:19. Bloody hell...

So I pick up phone and see that it's David who's calling. At 3 in the morning! It can't be good...I quickly answer the phone and hold it to my ear. "Hello?" I mumble into the phone.

"Killian, it's David. I know that it's early but do you mind coming over?" David's voice comes through the phone.

"Why? Did something happen?" Worry begins to quickly overtake me.

"We're okay but Emma had another nightmare, similar to last night. She wants to see you," David says.

"Okay, I'll be right over," I hang up the phone and let out a sigh of relief that no one was in danger or injured. I quickly throw on some shoes and don't even bother to change my clothes. Once I'm ready, I leave my apartment and head to the Charmings'.

I make my way up the stairs to the apartment. Soon enough, I find myself approaching at the door to the Charmings'. My knuckles meet the wood as I softly knock on the door, trying not to be too loud.

Moments later the door opens and David is standing in front of me. "Thanks for coming," David says as I make my way into the apartment.

"Of course." One question swirls around my mind and I have to ask. "Why does Emma want to see me?"

"I don't know, she won't say. My guess is something happened in her dream and it involves you," He answers. "You should probably go see her, she's still in her room."

"Alright thanks mate," I say to him as I make my way up the stairs. When I reach her room, the door is already open. Snow and Henry are sitting on either side of her on the bed, both trying to make sure she's alright.

I take a step in and the wood beneath me squeaks. All three of their heads shoot up and look at me. "We'll just leave you two alone," Snow says and her and Henry exit the room.

No one says anything for a few moments until I speak up. "Swan, are you alright?" I say taking another step forward.

"Do you hate me?"

"What?" I ask in shock.

"Do you hate me?" She asks again.

"What on Earth would give you that impression?" I take another step forward. Why does she think that?

"You didn't answer my question," Emma says.

"Of course I don't hate you. I love you, Emma, why would you ever think otherwise?" I ask reaching the foot of the bed.

"I just...I had a dream, but it seemed so real and vivid, I wasn't sure whether or not it was really a dream," she explains.

"Swan," I say approaching her side of the bed. "I can assure you, it was only a dream." Emma lets out a breath of relief.
I take a seat beside her on the bed, my legs still draping over the sides.

"May I ask, what happened in your dream?" I ask quietly. Emma looks down at her crossed legs before looking back up at me.

"Well, it was similar to last night, but instead of being tortured with visions of my loved ones either dying or telling they never loved me, I managed to escape. Once I escaped I found you, I thought you'd lost your memories. But when I approached you, you told me that you remembered, but you seemed different. When I asked what was wrong, you...yelled at me and told me how I should just leave you alone because you hate me and laughed when you told me that you never loved me, and then you walked away. I was in tears. Moments later I woke up and I wanted to see if it was true," Emma explains.

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