16: First Dates

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(Killian's POV)
When I wake up, I keep my eyes closed and just think for a moment. Then I stretch my arm across the bed and, to my surprise, I can no longer feel Emma's warmth beside. I open my eyes and realize that I am the only one in the bed. Is Emma already awake?

My question is answered when I hear pots clashing together and Emma silently cursing in the kitchen. I smile. I slowly get out of bed and tiptoe towards the kitchen. When I reach the kitchen, I wrap my arms around Emma, who's at the stove.

"Morning love," I whisper into her ear. She slowly turns around. She wraps her arms around my neck and smiles.

"Morning," she says. "I didn't wake you up did I?"

"No love, don't worry, I was already awake," I reassure her. She smiles.

"Good," she says. "I got to get back to making breakfast."

"What're you making?"

"Eggs and toast."

"Mm, sounds good," I say. "I'll let you get back to it then." I quickly kiss her on the cheek and walk over to the "island"--which is an odd name for a table--and sit on one of the stools. Emma goes back to making breakfast.

After we finished eating breakfast and tidying everything up, Emma came up to me and asked, "So what's the plan for today?"

"Well," I say. "I was thinking that you could spend some time over at the Charmings', since you could use some stress-free time."

"What would you be doing?" she asks.

"I, will be setting up for our date tonight," I said with a smirk.

"But what if you get another headache? Just because you didn't have one yesterday doesn't mean it's not gonna happen!" Emma argues.

"Swan, calm down. I'll be fine, I promise. I think I know what to do by now," I say trying to calm her.

She takes a deep breath and says "Okay."

"Great! Now go get dressed, love," I say. Emma leaves to get changed.

(Emma's POV)
After I get changed, I walk out of the washroom and see Killian at the door, waiting for me. "Okay, call me if anything happens" I say.

"I'll be fine," he responds. I lightly kiss him on the lips and open the door. "Oh, and swan?" he says, causing me to turn around. "I'll be at the Charmings' at 8 to pick you up." Killian gives me one of his flirtatious smirks of his.

"Looking forward to it," I say with a smile. "Goodbye Killian."

"Bye," he says and I leave. I get in my yellow bug and drive over to my parents' place. Maybe I should've stayed with him. I know that he won't call me if anything happens to him. He's too proud for that.

I knock on my parents' door. My mom answers. "Emma, hi!" Mary Margaret says. "Come in!"

"Thanks," I say.

"So what's up?" Mary Margaret asks.

"I was wondering if I could spend the day here," I say.

"Of course! David's at work so it's just Neal and I, but Henry's coming over later!" she says.

"Great, thanks!" I say. Mary Margaret starts to make some tea and I sit on the island stool, when Neal starts crying.

"Emma, do you mind calming down your brother for me?" Mary Margaret says.

"Sure," I say, nervous. I've never down this before, with any baby for that matter! What if I do something wrong?!

"Thank you! Just grab his bottle beside you there, and bring him over to the rocking chair," Mary Margaret says.

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