15: The Ice Cream Truck

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Again, for this chapter, there's going to be a lot of scenes directly from season 4 episode 6. Don't worry I won't be doing this for long!

(Emma's POV)
We search the woods for a while. We haven't spotted the ice-cream truck yet. I don't know who this snow queen thinks she is, but if she plans on hurting the ones I love, she's got another thing coming.

Suddenly Regina gets a phone call. "Really? Ok, stay where you are, we're on our way," Regina says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"It's Robin. He says that they found her ice cream truck near their camp," Regina says.

"Well, let's go," I say. I need to find out what this snow queen is planning, and fast.

We meet Robin Hood at his camp. "Thank goodness you guys came," Robin says when he sees our arrival.

"Where's the truck?" I ask.

"Right this way," he says. Robin leads us away from his camp and a few minutes later, sure enough, we see the ice cream truck. The merry men are surrounding the sight, armed and ready.

I better alert David. I pick up my walkie talkie. "David, call off the search party. We found the truck near the merry mens' camp," I say into the walkie talkie.

"Copy that," David says. I lower the walkie talkie.

"Thanks for keeping an eye out," I say to Robin Hood.

"Gladly," he says with his crossbow out. "You're the first sheriff I don't mind assisting."

I approach the truck and Regina comes to my side. "Let's just get this over with already. It's bad enough that I'm stuck with you and Captain Guyliner making eyes at each other," Regina says.

"I don't make eyes," I say as Regina walks towards the truck.

Killian walks in front of me, looks into my eyes and asks, "Ready love?" before smiling contently and walking over to the truck. I stand back and shake my head before following Regina and Killian to the back off the truck.

Killian and I open the doors and look inside. It's mostly empty. I step inside. "It appears she beat us to it" Killian says as he, too, enters the truck. "She's cleared out the vessel."

"What now? Should we question the cow she gets her milk from? Maybe search the waffle-cone factory?" Regina says sarcastically. But my eyes lock on something.

"Hang on. Look," I say and lift up the lock on the freezer. "Who locks their freezer? Was she afraid someone was gonna steal the rocky road?"

"Stand back," Killian says as he strikes the lock with his hook. The lock unlocks. I pull out the poll which was across the freezer - sealing it - and open it. It's full of files. I pick up one file and take out a piece of paper.

"Looks like the dairy queen's been following me for a long time," I say as I stare down at the newspaper featuring August and I when we first arrived in this world. '7 Year Old Boy Finds Baby On Side Of Road' is written across the article.

"Since before foster care?" Regina asks.

"Since I landed in this world," I reply and hand her the article. I walk out of the truck with the file and a form in my hand. "According to this, she was my foster parent for 6 months!" I say.

"Aye?" Killian says, unsure of what the big deal is. I turn around.

"That's the longest I was ever in one spot, but I don't remember a second of it," I explain and sit down on a log. I put the piece of paper on top of another stack of files. I hate that I don't have my memories. I mean, six months of my life are gone! This snow queen is really getting under my nerves.

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