18: Our last moments with those whom we love

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(Killian's POV)
No, this can't be happening. "There has to be some way to stop this from happening" I say, not willing to give up.

"I'm sorry, but there's nothing here," Belle says while flipping through the book. "I'll try to look for another possible way, but it doesn't look good." And with that, Belle leaves followed by the croc.

No one speaks. Everyone's whisked away into their own thoughts. "We should probably warn the town," David says, placing a hand on Snow's shoulder.

"Okay, we'll hold a town meeting" Snow says.

I look at Emma and it looks like the wheels are spinning inside her head. I'm not going to lose her, and she's not going to lose me. Not ever. I squeeze Emma's hand and she looks at me, her eyes filled with fear, worry and sadness.

"We should get right on that," David says and leaves the apartment with Snow and Neal.

"I have to go pick up Roland," Robin says and looks at Regina. "Will you accompany me?" She gives him a nod and they leave. Elsa then walks over to Anna's necklace and takes it into the other room.

That leaves just Emma, Henry and I.

"Mom," Henry says with a shaky voice. "Is there really no way to stop this?"

"I don't know, kid," Emma says, also with a shaky voice. Then Henry hugs his mother and she hugs him back. Feeling like a third wheel, I make to leave, but before I can, I feel someone grab my hand. I look over my shoulder and see Emma looking at me. I can tell by the look in her eyes, that she thinks if I leave, she'll lose me. So I stay.

Emma releases Henry from the hug and says, "Ok, kid, don't worry, everything's going to be ok." Henry nods his head.
"Can you give us a minute?" Emma asks Henry. He nods his head again and leaves the room.

"Swan--" I start to say.

"No," she says.

"What?" I say.

"We're going to stop this and nothing's going to happen," Emma says while looking at the ground.

"But--" I start to argue.

"Killian, no," Emma says. Even though she's looking at the floor, I can see the tears swelling in her eyes, threatening to fall. My eyes soften. So instead of arguing with her, I pull her into a hug. She lightly sobs onto my shoulder--no matter how much she's trying to hide it--and I hug her tighter. I will NOT loose her.

(Emma's POV)
I hug Killian tighter. I can't loose him. I won't loose him. I won't loose anyone. I've been alone for all my life, and I can't go back to that life. That lonely, miserable life.

Killian releases from the hug and wipes away my tears. "Now, how about we go play some 'video games' with your lad?" Killian asks, offering me a small smile. I smile slightly and nod my head. We walk into the living room and see Henry playing video games.

"Mind if we join?" I ask him. He looks at us and smiles.

"Not at all," he says. I grab a controller and start to join Henry in a game of Mario Kart.

"Now how does this game work?" Killian asks.

"I'll show you," I say. "Here, you can be on my team since I doubt you're very good at playing with one hand." He rolls his eyes and I smile, knowing I'm right. I show Killian how to play and help him use the controller.

After getting used to it, we ended up beating Henry quite a few times. At one point, Killian starts yelling at his player on the game to go faster and stop falling off the cliff, at which point Henry and I burst out laughing. He always knows how to take my mind off of things.

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