11: Locator potion

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(Killian's POV)
I was really happy to see Emma and Elsa getting along and working things out. Once Emma and Elsa were done, her parents and Regina came over.

"I should get to work on the locator potion," Regina announces. "I'll call you when I'm done, but it might not be until tomorrow."

"Sounds like a plan" David says.

"Regina?" Emma asks.

"Yes?" Regina asks in response.

"Do you mind taking Henry again tonight?" Emma asks.

"Of course not, he's just with Robin and Roland right now," Regina says and smiles.

"Thank you," Emma says. Regina smiles at her. Regina says her goodbyes and leaves.

"Elsa, do you have anywhere to stay tonight?" Mary Margaret asks.

"No...I don't," Elsa says.

"Well, you're welcome to stay here with us!" Mary Margaret said with a motherly smile. "We have a spare bedroom down the hall that no one's using."

"That would be so great, thank you," Elsa says and smiles back.

Curious, I glanced over at the clock. It read 3:17. Suddenly I hear crying. "Looks like Neal finally woke up from his nap," Snow says and walks over to his crib. That was the first time that I realized that the baby had been sleeping through all of this. Wow, heavy sleeper. Snow picks up the crying infant, cradles him in her arms and tries to soothe him. I guess they know the drill by now because David was up, getting the baby some milk.

Emma stands up and says, "Well, I guess that's our cue to leave."

(Emma's POV)
Once I saw my parents trying to calm down Neal, I realize that Killian and I should leave. It's not that I'm REALLY jealous of my brother, but I just wish I could've had my parents taking care of me when I was growing up. It also makes me miss watching Henry grow up as well. I love my brother, but I'm just not comfortable yet and a lot has happened today. I guess we'll have to try this another day.

"Hold on," David says. "Emma can I see you for a second?" Oh no. "Sure," I say trying to act casual. I exchange smiles with Killian before walking over to my Dad.

"What's up?" I ask.

"How long are you planning on staying with the pira-" he started saying but I gave him a stare when he was about to say pirate. He clears his thought and asks "How long are you planning on staying with Killian?"

"Until he's able to walk and take care of himself without having terrible headaches all the time" I answer.

"And how long will that be?" David asks

"I don't know but I can't just leave him in his apartment by himself after what happened with the ice beast!" I whisper, loudly. "And besides, it's not like we're doing anything." That was awkward.

David finally sighs and says, "Fine. But the second he starts to feel better, you're staying here."

"Okay," I say. Actually I was thinking of getting my own place is what I should've told him. But I didn't.

"Okay then," David says satisfied and walks away.

I then remember that I have to grab some clothes from my room. I look over at Killian and he seems to be deep in thought. I better be quick. So I ran upstairs to my room, toss some clothes in a bag and went back downstairs.

(Killian's POV)
When Emma left to talk to her father, I drifted off into thought. Is Elsa on our side? Is there anyone else? How long do I have to stand by and watch, while everyone else is saving the town? When is my next headache going to occur?

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