31: I Finally Found You

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(Killian's POV)
I wake up and squint my eyes. Once my eyes adjust, I look at the time: 8:07. Not bad. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and stand up, heading towards the kitchen. A few minutes later, I realize that I don't have much food. Thankfully there's an amazing diner just a few stories below me.

So, I throw on a pair of black jeans and a black shirt. To top it, off I throw on my black leather jacket. I did a double take once I saw myself in the mirror. I look so much different than I did about a year ago. Yet I still remain devilishly handsome. I guess the pirate look had to go if I want to start new. To be a better man.

Once I finish admiring my reflection, I head down to Granny's. When I was about to turn the corner into the diner, I stop at the sight in front of me. Emma and Henry are having a nice breakfast together, just the two of them. I smile to myself. I don't want to disrupt their mother-son bonding time so I just wait for five minutes before they leave. Once they leave, I take a seat at one of the stools at the counter.

Ruby walks over to me with a smile plastered upon her face. Hey Killian!" Ruby exclaims. "Oh Emma and Henry just left. You could probably catch up to them if you want!"

"That's alright, lass. I'll let them have their time alone," I say with a grin.

"Ok, well in that case, what can I get for ya?" She asks. I give her my order and she leaves for the kitchen.

Minutes later, the smell of pancakes fill the air. "Here you go," Ruby says as she hands me my meal.

"Thank you," I say before applying some syrup onto the delicious pancakes. Then I begin to devour one of the greatest foods of this century.

After breakfast I decide to head down to the docks. I sit on the edge, my feet swinging underneath as tiny drops off water splash onto my jeans. I've always found the horizon quite calming and I think I could use the calmness. My mind begins to wander and I begin to think about things that I haven't had time for in my mind lately. I think I could use a few minutes to simply be alone with my thoughts.

(Emma's POV)
On our walk, Henry and I end up along the beach. We keep walking and eventually, we get close enough to the docks to see someone sitting on the edge, staring out into the ocean.

Killian. I recognize him almost immediately by his hair and new outfit, although I couldn't quite make out his facial features from here. I wasn't sure whether or not to approach him, I mean, I was hanging out with Henry.

Henry saw what I was looking at and figured out what I was thinking about. "Come on, let's go see if he wants some company," Henry says and continues walking. This kid is too smart. I catch up to Henry and we reach the docks.

Henry and I sit on either side of Killian and he seems surprised yet happy to see us here. "Oh, hey," he says. "Weren't you two going to spend the day together?"

"I've thought of an even better idea," Henry says, to which both Killian and I look at him in confusion. "How about we, all three of us, go sailing?"

"I'd love to," Killian says. Then they both face me. "Are you up for it swan?"

"Sure, that sounds like fun," I say with a smile.

"Great!" Henry stands up. "Come on, let's go rent a boat." And with that, he ran off.

Killian stands up and offers me his hand. "M'lady," he says with a smirk. I grab his hand, smirking as well, and he pulls me up. Our faces are nearly two inches apart, our lips almost touching--

"Come on!" Henry yells, Killian and I just laugh and catch up to him.

Once we're all on the boat (which, compared to the Jolly Roger, is about 1/8 that size), Henry goes to the wheel. This must be one of the only boats in the docks with a steering wheel. "Alright lad, you ready to show your mother what I've taught you?" Killian asks Henry.

"I was born ready," Henry says with a smile.

"At a boy!" Killian says. We take off. I must say, Henry seems to have mastered sailing. I stand near the front of the boat, staring out at the calm--yet rough enough to sail--ocean. Suddenly I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I grab a hold of his hook and his hand, giving his hand a good squeeze.

"Calming, isn't it love?" Killian whispers into my ear. Feeling his warm breath tickle my skin sends chills up my spine.

"Yeah, now I know what you've been talking about all this time," I say. The faint wind hits my face, cooling off my skin. Killian leaves a soft kiss on the side of my head.

"Your boy seems to be quite the sailor," Killian says. "Smart that one is."

"Agreed," I say. I let go his hand and hook so that I can turn around to face him, his arms still wrapped around my waist.
When I turn around, I can see the admiration in his eyes. I wrap my arms around his neck and stare back, trying to tell if he can see the love for him in my eyes as well. He does. He's always been able to read me.

He leans in and I meet him halfway, crashing our lips against one another's. I try not to make it too passionate, my kid is only 10 feet away. But I couldn't help it. I need him to know, to feel, how much I love him. My hands dig into his dark hair. I've never been too good at putting my emotions into words, but I could still show him how much he means to me.

Unfortunately, a few moments later, we have to break apart for air. I've tried, hard too, to try and keep love out of my life, so that I don't get hurt anymore. But somehow, this man has managed to break down all of my walls and steal my heart.

"I love you," I say, staring into those bright blue orbs, trying to make him understand my feelings towards him. He smiles and stares back at me, with the same admiration mirroring within his eyes. "I love you too," and that's all he needs to say. To reassure me that this is real. To show me how Emma Swan is capable of being loved. To tell me that I'm not alone anymore, and I never will be again.

We spend about two hours sailing until we return to the docks. It was really fun, being out with the two loves of my life with no distractions and no threats. Walking on land feels weird after you've been on a boat. A minute ago, the boat was sailing along the water as the waves slightly crash around it and now, I'm standing still. No waves, no boat, nothing.

"Okay kid, what now?" I ask Henry as soon as we all step off the boat.

"Well, now I think it's time to see the rest of our family," Henry replies.

"Alright, let's go," I say and Henry starts to walk up ahead, probably to give Killian and I some space of our own.

Killian intertwines our hands together and I look up at him with a smile. To which he quickly returns. We begin to follow Henry to my parents' place. I stare at our intertwining hands and just continue smiling. Then I decide to rest my head on Killian's shoulder and I could sense his smile growing bigger.

I may not have known before, but I certainly know now. I was meant to be with Killian Jones; he's my true love. And I'm not going to let anyone take him away from me.

Because I finally found you.


End of Book 1! Sorry that this took a long time to update but I had to make it perfect. I think that I've accomplished that😊

I won't be starting book 2 until about one month from now (after my school ends) but I will let you know when I've started writing it.

Please leave positive comments and vote on this chapter if you think I did a good job!

Goodbye for now😘

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