12: The Snow Queen

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(Killian's POV)
I watched as Emma walked out the door with the others. I slowly sank back down onto the couch. How could I let her leave?! If she gets hurt, I can't help her! It'll be all my fault! What have I done? That's it, I'm going after her.

I stood up off of the couch and headed for the door when Snow stopped me. "And where do you think you're going?" Snow asked. I don't interact with Snow, but I could tell she knew what I was doing. I couldn't let her stop me. "I'll be fine, I need to help them!" I told her. "Now can you please let me go?"

"No. You're going to stay here. Go play with Henry while I take care of Neal," Snow says. "I've got my eye on you."
Then she leaves to watch Neal. I sigh. Great now I'm stuck here. Might as well do as Snow says. I look over at Henry to see him sitting on the couch with an oddly shaped device, focused on the TV.

I walk up to him and ask, "What are you up to lad?"

"Playing video games" Henry answers. I look at the TV and see people in odd uniforms being shot. "Wanna play?" Henry asks. I'm surprised at his offer.

"Sure," I say. "But what exactly is it that I'm supposed to be doing?" I take a seat next to Henry and he hands me another oddly shaped device.

"This is called a controller," Henry says. "I'll show you how to play."

"What exactly is it that we're playing?" I ask still confused.

"It's called 'Call Of Duty'. You're in a war and you have to kill the people on the other team. And try not to get killed, yourself," he explains. He then explains how to play and how to use the "controller". "Do you get it now?" Henry says after he's done explaining.

"Aye, but how am I supposed to play with one hand and a hook?" I ask. Honestly, having a hook's never stopped me from doing anything back in the Enchanted Forest. But this is a whole new world with all new challenges.

"Just try to use your hand," he says.

"Okay," I say even though I'm still unclear on how to play with one hand.

"Ready....The game started! Go Go Go!" Henry shouts. After a while I figure out how to play with one hand and I must say, this is fun! And it certainly takes my mind off of worrying about Emma.

(Emma's POV)
I follow Regina and the others down the stairs and out the building. Once we arrive outside, everyone gathers around Regina. "Here we go," Regina says. Then she pours the locator potion onto Anna's necklace. Suddenly, the necklace starts to glow, then it starts to float out of Regina's hand and down the street.

"Let's go!" I say and we all take off following the necklace. After a few minutes, the necklace leads us into the forest. We keep following it for a while until I feel an ice-cold gust of wind blow by. My whole body shivers. I look around and can tell that I'm not the only one. Suddenly, we all hear a voice:

"So nice of you all to join me," A female voice says. We all look around, trying to see who it is. But we see no one.

"Who are you?" David shouts into the wind, unclear of who or where this person is, like the rest of us.

"My name is Ingrid. But others know me as the snow queen," The snow queen answers. Then, the snow queen emerges from behind a tree. She's wearing a long white dress and cape with jewels upon it. It's similar to Elsa's, except white.
She looks me square in the eye and mutters, "Emma..."

"Do we know each other?" I ask boldly, raising my hands in front of me. I wrack my brain, trying to recall any memory I  might share with this woman but to no avail. I've never seen her before.

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