5: Comforting and keeping hope

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(Emma's POV)
I have been waiting here for 4 hours. 4 hours since Killian was taken into the hospital room. 4 hours of torture.

5 minutes after I arrived at the hospital with Killian, a nurse called my parents. The nurse then explained to them what happened since I didn't have the strength to.

So now, my parents and Henry are here with me waiting. Henry convinced Regina to help Robin Hood and his merry men track down and defeat the ice beast. As far as I know, they're still looking for the beast.

30 minutes after my parents and Henry arrived, Dr. Whale came and told us that the injury on Killian's head was worse than they thought and he needed surgery. He also said that it will take around 4 hours until there will be more news.

It has been 3 and a half hours.

My family has tried to comfort me. My mom gave me a hope speech. My dad told me that Killian has gone through much worse things then this and he will be fine. Henry told me that heroes always win and Killian was a hero. But nothing worked. The only person who could possibly comfort me is in a hospital room, having surgery done because he saved my life.

I have been sitting in the same position since I got here. With my head buried into my knees. Crying and thinking the worst.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Henry. "Mom," Henry says. "I think you should get something to eat. You haven't eaten for hours." I could sense the worry and sadness in his voice. I decided to finally get up, for Henry's sake. When I did, the sudden bright light blinded me and everyone was speechless. I could see worry, sadness and fear in all of their eyes.

"Okay kid. Just let me freshen up first," I say. Everyone is probably amazed that I spoke. Henry nods and I head straight for the washroom. The first thing I did when I got there was look in the mirror and what I saw almost made me jump out of my skin.

There are tear stains all over my face. My face was red especially around my eyes. But my eyes were the saddest things to look at. No wonder everyone was worried about me.

I splash some water on my face, take a few deep breaths and leave to meet up with Henry.

I meet up with Henry at the hospital cafeteria. We order some food - I just had some soup - and sit down at a table to eat. We didn't really talk but every once in a while Henry would say something to try to get my mind off of what was happening. It didn't work but it was sweet of him to try.

We went back to the waiting room about half an hour later. I went back to my chair and went back into my position.

Moments pass and finally I hear someone come in. I lift my head to see Dr. Whale standing in front of us. "Any news?" My mom asks hopeful.

"Yes," Dr. Whale says and I listen closely yet frightened to find out. "We just finished the surgery on his head. It was a success, although it turns out he has a major concussion and should not do anything to worsen it. His body is tense and sore. He should rest for a few days. He has not yet woken up but he will soon."

"When can we see him?" I ask eagerly.

"You can go in now. Again, he is asleep though" Dr. Whale said. I stand up and Dr. Whale escorts me to Killian's room.

"This is his room," Dr. Whale announces before he opens the door to Killian's room. When he did I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand.

There he is. He's hooked up to a machine called an electrocardiogram which measures a person's heart rate. His head is wrapped in bandages and you could tell that his body is quite stiff and tense. The sight was quite horrific.

But, I walk over to the right side of the bed and take his hand. Then I sit in a chair beside the bed and look at him. "I'm going to stay right beside you Killian. I'll never leave," I whisper to him. All I want is for him to wake up.

(Killian's POV)
I open my eyes to see a blinding light shining upon me. Where am I? I look to my left and see a beeping machine with a line on it going up and down. Suddenly my head begins to hurt. What happened? Then it all came back to me.

How I found Emma with an ice beast. How I lead it away from her, chasing me through the forest. How it then threw me into a tree. Wait, where's Emma? I look to my right and there she was, looking down at my hand which she was holding while tears escaped her tired eyes.

I use all of my strength and quietly whisper with a grunt, "Swan."

She immediately looks up and I see all of the pain etched into her face. Tears are racing down her cheeks and her face is red.

But when she saw me she smiles and says, "Killian."

(Emma's POV)
"Swan." I hear someone say. But not just anyone. I quickly look up and there he is, wide awake. I smile and say, "Killian," before I hug him. "You're okay."

"Yes I am," he reassures me. "Love, it's great to see you too but do you mind releasing me". I then remember his condition. I pull back and say guiltily, "I'm sorry."

"That's okay, swan," he says and smiles.


"Yes love?" 

"Why did you do that?! You could've been killed! I was freaking out!"

"Swan I-" he began to say but I cut him off.

"No Killian I need to say something," I say after I calm myself down. I begin preparing myself for what I was about to say. "Killian, I was so worried about you. But I was also filled with so much regret." I look to the floor. "It was my fault this happened. You did this to save me. I was also afraid that I wouldn't get the chance to tell you..." I take a deep breath and finally look at him. He encourages me to go on. "Thank you, for sacrificing yourself for me. You didn't have to do that." Emma, you coward! You just couldn't say those three little words could you!

He slightly deflates, probably hoping to hear something else. But he recovers quickly and smiles. "I would never let any harm come to you, swan. You should know that by now." I smile. "And I don't want you blaming yourself for what happened. It wasn't your fault, it was my choice."

I nod my head, not believing him. He can tell. "You don't have to worry about me, I'm a survivior."

I smile at him and then lean in and we kissed. Nothing else seemed to matter. But I just could not get myself to say those three words.

Hey! Sorry if this has been really sad but I added some captain swan at the end to lighten the mood😉

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