25: Granny's anyone?

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(Killian's POV)
All 13 of us left the apartment building. We--Snow and David, Regina and Robin, Emma and I--then split off into groups to go invite our friends to Granny's. We sent the kids--Henry, Roland and Neal--off to Granny's to ask her if we could have the party there along with the snow queen, Elsa, Anna and Kristoff, since they wouldn't know anyone to invite.

Emma and I started walking towards Gold's shop. "Swan, can't someone else invite the bloody crocodile? Why are we even inviting him?" I ask.

"We're inviting him because he and Belle are married now, he's changed. And we're the ones who picked last so that's why we have to invite him," Emma explained. "We're already stuck with the job so you might as well make the best of it." I roll my eyes. "Besides, after them, we only have to invite Dr. Whale and then we're done," she reasons.

"Okay," I say with a sigh. I grab hold of Emma's hand and continue walking.

We arrive at Gold's shop. Emma opens the door and I follow in behind. The bell rings above our heads as we enter. "Hello?" Emma calls out into the shop.

"I'll be right with you in one second!" A voice says from the back room. From the female accent, I could tell that it was Belle. A few seconds later, Belle emerges from the back room. "Oh hey guys! What can I do for you?" Belle asks.

"Well, since the spell's broken, we were wondering if you and Gold would like to join all of us at Granny's tonight to celebrate," Emma says.

"We would love to!" Belle says. "When would that be exactly?"

"I'd say in about..." Emma looks at her phone. The time reads: 2:49. "Three hours or so."

"Sounds good to me!" Belle exclaims.

"Great! We'll see you later then," Emma says.

"Alright, goodbye!" Belle says.

"Bye," Emma says and turns around to leave. I just give Belle a small smile and exit behind Emma. "How come you didn't say a single word the whole time we were there?" Emma asks me as we walk down the street, towards the hospital.

"I just didn't have anything to say. You seemed to have the situation under control," I simply say.

"Fine, but this time you can't just stand there, you have to say something," Emma says.

"Okay, okay," I agree. We enter the hospital and Emma goes up to the receptionist.

"Hi, is Dr. Whale in?" Emma asks.

"He's on his break at the moment," the receptionist replies.

"Great, can we talk to him?" Emma asks.

"He's in the cafeteria," the receptionist says.

"Perfect, thanks!" Emma says. Emma and I enter the cafeteria and see Whale sitting at one of the tables. We approach him and sit across from him. "Hi Whale," Emma greets the doctor.

"Hello Emma, Killian," Whale says.

"Hi," I say. Well what else am I supposed to say?

"We were wondering if you would like to come to Granny's tonight. We're having a celebration, you know about the spell being broken," Emma says.

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