Crumble [Prologue]

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The bar was hot, and the chilly December weather was ridiculous. I walked to the front of the bar, everyone's eyes on the 18 year old who couldn't drink. "I'm just meeting someone here, he's an old friend. He should be here." I told the bartender who was about to kick me out. "He's right over there." I walked towards the familiar man before she could respond, tears already threatening to roll down my face. He took a sip of beer as I slid into the booth. His eyebrows knit into a confused fashion, obviously not knowing who I was. It had been ten years, of course he didn't know who I was. The photos from my childhood laid in front of him on the table, his eyes instantly bulging at the memories.

XXX [December] XXX


'My name is Castiel Novak; I'm applying into the premed program to become a psychologist. I'm only 17, but i did graduate high school at fifteen and worked for two years to earn enough money to go to college. I did get a lot of full ride scholarships, being a child prodigy and all, but most took their offers back when my father kicked me out, and I've been working low paid jobs to stay alive. I'm also applying for the financial aid; I believe that's a quite obvious reason. I'm originally from Chicago; I lived there for four years before moving to New York with my father; he's an English professor at Julliard. My mom and dad got a divorce when we moved, which I believe had a major impact of my academic career. My father hates me now because I support LGBTQ rights and I voice my opinion on the world when he is a more traditional man, if you can call it that. On day he had enough and kicked me out, bought a plane ticket to Chicago and shipped me off with nothing more than three suitcases and a middle finger pointed at me.

Psychology is interesting to me because of the people. I honestly don't care how the mind works or the medicinal part of it; I just want to help people. I've been a doormat for a lot of people, I've been bullied, beat up, harassed, raped, abused; it affected me in ways I don't like people to know about. I lead into self-harm and suicidal tendencies along with depression, social anxiety, and issues regarding abandonment, trust, and emotions. I want to help people who have gone through all of this like me, but help them with a different outcome. I want to save lives and change people for the better. It's very hard to do that, but if anyone can do it, why not me?

You have a copy of my transcript and all the formal documents for acceptance; I hope you're still interested in choosing me for next year's freshman class.'

I folded the paper and pushed it inside a manila envelope. The temperature outside was absolutely glacial. It was only December, but in New York, the snow was falling out of the sky as if every star was falling to earth. It was time; I was finally going to get my life together.


"I'm done. I'm so done, I can't even think straight right now." I screamed at my father. Once again, he was blaming me for Sammy's accident. "Dean, if you hadn't-" my anger was building and building until I couldn't take it anymore. "You know what; I don't have to take this. I'm 19 and I can leave any time I want. I don't depend on you to live, and if you're just going to blame me for everything because that's you're way of sleeping at night, that's fine; but I'm not going to stay here and be ridiculed for something you know damn well I didn't do. I'll be out by tomorrow, until then, don't fucking talk to me in any form, or so help me god, you will know how much hell I can raise to earth."

I pounded my feet upstairs, the echo from my boots sounding hard enough to crack the oak staircase. Packing everything I owned, I stowed everything in three large bags and a carry on sixed duffel bag. Looking at the plain room, my tired eyes gave into the exhaustion of the day, and I set my alarm before the sun would come up. This is my last night ever in this house, and I'm finally going to be my own person. I wasn't scared like most people are, to me; it was an escape, an exit from the horrible life I've had, a page turner from the awful memories for the last 13 years.


My car roared as I pulled out, my alert to let him know that I was gone; his last relative finally ditching him, leaving him to his lonesome to think about how much he had utterly killed his family, both literally and figuratively. Only three hours into the drive, I had arrived in the city I wanted to be in since I was a kid. The tall sky scrapers and unique architecture was where I wanted to be, the hope of the city relieving my weary spirit. "Welcome to Chicago, welcome to the rest of my life."

XXX [January] XXX

After staying in crappy motel for a month, I decided I needed to do something with my life. I applied to the local college, got a job as a bartender, and I browsed around for a place to live. I thought an apartment would be cheaper, but it turns out the suburban area of Chicago was a good place to buy houses. Having saved up my whole life and had taken a lot of money before I left Kansas, I bought the nicest one; no questions asked. I got an acceptance letter from the college and was told I would start next fall, in eight months

XXX [April] XXX

Getting a house in the suburban area outside the city was probably the best decision in housing I could've made. It was only a 15 minute drive to the nearest grocery store and I didn't have to deal with the loud noises of the city. A lot of college students were getting roommates in this neighborhood; I just hope their parties don't disrupt my sleeping schedule; which basically means they better not have any parties. Moving in was pretty easy since I basically had clothes and a few other essentials; but it came furnished and it was a nice place. It felt homey, a feeling I wasn't used to.

XXX [August] XXX

Exhausted from work and just having eaten dinner, I heard a moving truck outside. It was backing into the driveway right across the street; I guess another college kid bought a house. The beeping stopped, I assumed he was going to wait till in the morning to begin moving, which was probably the best choice considering it was almost 11:00 and everyone was going to bed. I flipped the switch on the bedside lamp and pushed my body under the blankets, following a normal sleeping schedule for once.

Saturday has to be my favorite day of the week; I didn't have to work, it was always sunny, and I could just relax or do some house work. I poured my cup of coffee and looked out the window. The yard needed a mow; it was higher than it had been since I had moved in. finishing my coffee, I opened the shed and got the old push mower.

The mower was loud and moved slowly, but it gave me a sense of familiarity. Living in Kansas, we took time to do things; we didn't use all the high tech stuff. Across the street, my new neighbor pulled in front of his house. His dark hair shining as he opened his car door. I smiled as he walked around and grabbed a puppy from the other side. He looked up and made brief eye contact before scratching the pup's ear and heading inside. I just smiled and continued to push the mower.

I got my schedule in the mail, and I realized that I had a bunch of stuff to buy if I was going back to school. I hopped in the car and went directly into to the supermarket in the city. Buying a backpack, laptop, and other essentials for college; I couldn't help but feel a sense of maturity and independence. It was the first time in my life I didn't have to depend on my father to make any decisions for me and I could experience the world on my own.

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