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XXX [Castiel] XXX

He slipped my shirt off before he ran his lips on my neck, my hands raising his shirt before watching it falls the floor. This is the farthest we've gone before, and it excites me. I know what was going to happen, and I knew he did to; and I was ready. I wanted this, and I knew he wanted it to. It only took moments, and he was on the bed underneath me, our clothing missing completely. The room was becoming hot, and I liked it. I like the pure euphoria coming from the sensation of everything that was happening right now. My mouth trailed from his neck to his abdomen, going achingly slow, leaving nothing but hickeys and kisses. He begged to do something, for anything. His mouth was wet, and it felt so good for his tongue to run along my underside, hip lips twitching as my shaft mived across them. It looks some willpower, but I removed myself from his mouth before I reached the high we were both looking for.  My fingers became slick with the lubricant, and with a final nod, I pushed two fingers into him.

It took no time at all to loosen him up, he was so eager for this, eager for me. I took it slow, jnch by inch. The moans passed the growlsnamd the thrusting got harder. He was moaning my name, grabbing my hips and pulling me closer with every thrust. I watched in come undone, and in that moment, I knew I had achieved bliss. The unfamiliar sensation of chemical release from my body felt so good, I wondered why this hadn't happened before. But I didn't care, all that mattered was Dean's uneven breathing as it brushed against my neck, with whispering I love you's as he pressed his body against mine.

XXX [Dean] XXX

Seeing cas take control like that was fantastic. I never knew he could be so dominating, so hot. The way he handled me, if I didn't know, I would have said he was experienced. The way it felt to have the intimacy with someone who I so much for, it felt so different then with the random drunk hookups I've had before. It felt better, like it meant something, like something deep inside had just clicked, and everything fell into place. At felt so natural to pull him closer after everything was done, just to hold him in my arms and listen to his breathing and heartbeat race. It was bliss.

"You know, we still have to clean up." I didn't want to move, but I also didn't want to sleep and be sticky. I had more clean up then he did, and to be honest, this is the part I was dreading. It took 5 minutes and a lot of warm water, but I finally felt clean I didn't feel like doing anything else except for cuddling and going back to sleep; and that's exactly what we did. His scent had changed, and it suited him. He had more of a dominating musk, a rugged smell that reminded me how he could take control.

We spent the next week lying around the house, I took vacation from work and he stopped reading his text book for once, and we just took a lovers vacation. It felt nice to be able to have nothing else to do but enjoy each other. Of course the sex wasn't all that bad either. He arched his back when I crawled down his body, running my tongue around his tip. He loved the sensation of my stubble scratching his skin as my tongue flicked his entrance. He moaned loudly when I finally got inside of him, the hard thrusting making it hard not to be loud. We slowly became more adventurous he like to use bondage; he loved to see me chained to the headboard, helpless to do anything he had planned. Then there was me, who loved to make him suffer before going all out for a big finish, and big it was.

Our vacation only last a week, and when we got back, it went into our usual routine. We hung out with friends every Friday, weather it was clubbing, or a movie night at one of our houses, we always had something to do. Chicago was beautiful at night, & I really never noticed until they all dragged me to the top of Sears Tower and we all looked over the city. All the cars moving below us, the lights becoming thin in the skyline, it was also unreal. I hated heights, but I love the view. It was breathtaking; I'd never seen anything like it. It was one of my favorite memories, and it made it even better when he proposed.

The ring bothered me for a whole week. With the summer air becoming cooler and the rush for college to start again, I barely paid any attention to it, but it was always there, hitting things and dinging on anything metal. I was happy. For once in my life, I was happy, and nobody can take it away from me.

XXX [Castiel] XXX

Our rings matched, they came out as perfectly as I hoped. Charlie, Jo, and Meg helped me plan everything; it was perfect. I couldn't believe that I was engaged, but the same time I was thrilled that I was. We agreed planning was futile since we were still in college, we'd just wait until we graduated. Classes started next week, & I was actually excited for this year, so many things could happen, & I was one step closer from getting my degree I was ready for life, & I was ready for my career;I was ready for everything. I was on top of the world, & I liked it that way.

My new schedule was great. My classes were closed together and I knew most of my professors. I had advanced anatomy and psychology 206, my major courses if I wanted to be a psychologist. Dean was happy with his too, he had engineering and something about cars for his major nothing I really understood anything about. It was going to be a great year.

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