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XXX [Castiel] XXX

His visits rarely end with him leaving before dark, actually, more often than not; he sleeps in the guest bed and we ride to school together the next morning. Of course he doesn't just come over to sleep in my spare bed, we studied our classes we had together, followed by a movie or video games. Dean was such a good friend, which made me question everything I was feeling.

Sam was super energetic that night. Dean and Sam got along great, Dean threw balls for him, scratched his belly, and gave him one too many treats every time. I noticed that for some reason Dean wouldn't say his name. I didn't know why, and I didn't want to ask. Sam got tired eventually and it was past time for bed. We all headed upstairs for the bedrooms.

After Dean had surely fallen asleep across the hall, I laid on my back. The ceiling was plain, which for some reason made it harder to figure everything out. Dean came over a lot; we hung out all the time. He was really nice to me, and not to mention he was really attractive. But on the other hand, if this was just a really great friendship to him; I don't want to ruin it and make it awkward and potentially lose him as a friend.

XXX [Dean] XXX

Castiel was obviously asleep at this point; and for some reason, I couldn't stop thinking about being near him again. Of course I had noticed the sudden closeness between us, but I had also noticed the gleam in Cas' eyes. I knew it was more than a friendship to him; it was more of a friendship to me too. It was like we were brothers; I hadn't known something like this since... since Sam. Sam was always there, until the day he wasn't. I was determined to prevent that from happening to Cas. Sleep followed the racing thoughts in my head, which I didn't know I was grateful for until I woke up in the morning, and my first thoughts went out to Castiel. I gently eased out of bed and check to make sure he was still in bed before easing downstairs.

Bacon and eggs fried in the skillets on the stove while I poured orange juice. A few grumbles echoed from the staircase, signaling a sleepy Cas coming into the kitchen. "Morning, Cas." I slid a plate and a glass in front of him before scooping bacon and eggs out of the skillet and onto his plate. "Thank you, Dean." He ate it slowly, but said he enjoyed it very much. After a long conversation about trigonometry, we got in the car to go to our morning classes.

XXX [Castiel] XXX

How long is it going to take him to realize that I like him? Should I tell him? I'm tired of hiding it and maybe I can say it in a way that says that I like him but I can play it as I like him as a friend if it goes wrong. Psychology classes are failing me in this endeavor, since science can find anything on love. I sit in his low rise Impala after my last class; he's already set to go home. "Afternoon." I greet him. "How was your super smart classes?" he always liked to tease me about honors classes and passing them with high grades; even though he was very smart himself. "The usual; Write the notes, study the notes, pass the test, start over with different information." I sighed. He chuckled, he knew that I hated the system but I did it anyway. "I got a job at the garage in town. Guy's paying me thirteen bucks an hour to work on cars." Dean loved cars, and he had extensive knowledge on the mechanics of vehicles. It was his thing, and even though I dint know much about cars, I still liked to hear him talk about them. "Really, Isn't that a lot for a on the spot hire?" he laughed once again, and said yes.

We got to his house and went inside. We studied our math course together until neither of us knew what math was anymore and we decided it was good enough for the night. We ordered a pizza and just talked until I got the urge again. Nothing was going to happen unless I did something about it, so I did.

XXX [Dean] XXX

"I like you, Dean." He took a bite of pizza. "I like you too, Cas" I said, not thinking anything about it. "Really?" he sounded so surprised and I didn't know why. "Why wouldn't I, you were the first person I talked to in Chicago, you're super fun and really energetic. You're not unbelievably boring and you always have a lot of food in your house." I laughed. "I mean, you're the closest thing to a brother I've had since Sam." His expression fell. "Oh. I see. It's a brotherly thing." He sounded so sad, like all his hopes and dreams crumbled right then and there. "What's wrong?" instantly I pulled him into a hug. He didn't hug back, he didn't even really react; he just sat there with an almost blank face. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it, Dean. I just realized something and it just wasn't what I was expecting." That was the day I realized I broke Castiel's heart and I didn't even know it.

After that night, I didn't know how to feel, or really what was going on. I knew at that point that Castiel was into me, but I wasn't sure why or how. It was all very confusing and I felt like a jerk. I felt like I had led him on is some way, even if I had no idea I was doing it. It was taking over my mind, the whole situation with Cas and trying to figure out what was happening. It was really troubling me, I didn't want to lose him as a friend because of something that I made awkward.

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