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XXX [Castiel] XXX

It was rough for Dean for a while. Once he started letting it out, it just kept happening; which isn't necessarily a bad thing. He went back and forth with trying to deal with it and letting it show, but finally he started to open up more. We talked about it frequently, and he explained in more detail each time. "I don't feel like I blame myself. I just feel like I could've done something to stop it before it happened." His cheeks were tear stained again, something that had become more usual between us. We were sitting outside, the chill of fall evident in early October. It was one of those cool nights, not cold, but not warm either; whatever you want to call it, it was comfortable. We liked to come out here to talk about our problems, short and long term, it didn't matter. This bench was designated for our troubles, to sounded silly but it was a hell of a lot better than wasting our lives away in some stinky bar halfway into town; drinking our body weight in alcohol every night.

Everything for the next few months was calm. We talked on our bench every night, unless it was too cold; then we would go to the bay window instead. It wasn't until I got a letter in the mail in the late weeks of March that everything changed. "Adoption. They sent me a specific packet of information for adoption, but I don't understand why." I thought nothing of it. I didn't want kids in this stage of my life, so I put it away, deep within the other piles of paperwork I might need someday.

I married Dean in early September, the day we met to be precise. It was wonderful. We decided on the colors of fall, it was a pun because we met in the fall, and then fell for each other. Of course it didn't look like a thanksgiving party, or at least I hope not. Our suits were white, a classier look than black, with two different shades of blue for me and two shades of green for him for our ties and under tux stuff. The ceremony was perfect, and I said "I do." Best decision I've ever made. It took a lot of courage, but I took his face in my hands and kissed him, in front of all of our friends. That's right, no family. Neither of us had any family to invite. Dean had little family anyway, and most of them were dead now. I didn't talk to my parents and I was an only child, as they were as well. For the first time since Chicago, we had all of our friends back in one spot. Everyone we cared about was here with us, and it didn't feel like we had been together in ages. It felt amazing to be able to converse with friends who I hadn't seen in three or so years. it was the best night of my life, and I'm sure Dean would say the same.

XXX [Dean] XXX

I hated that tux so much; I considered catching it on fire. I didn't, but I wanted to. It was worth the itch though, because I got to see him, and I got to make him mine forever. "Dean, it's been a long journey, we've been through much together, you and I. we've held each other up when the other gets knocked down, and we've always tried to help each other; except for that time in Costco, but that wasn't my fault. There are so many memories I've made with you, and I want to cherish them forever. Let me be the one you lay beside every night, knowing that whatever happened that day that I will always love you and I'm always there for you." It was probably the cutest thing ever, and I liked it. "Cas, I've always needed you. I've had a ton of crap happen to me, but you always seem to make it better. You just come in and all of my troubles just vanish. It's amazing, how you just know what to say and how to say it. I've known you for eight years to the day, and I'm so glad that I ended up wrapped around your finger. I can't wait for the next eight years, and then even more. As long as you're by my side, I know you will pull me through."

Our vows were cute and all, but the "I do's" were the best part. The most repetitive part of every wedding in history, but there was something great about it. I felt his hand in my hair and his lips on mine, and then the crowd cheer. We did it, we got married. The cake and champagne was nice, but I wasn't over being married to him until the dance. Chasing cars played as I took his hand, it had become our song. We danced the night away, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

[Three years]

"Claire, you're in for one crazy ride." The newborn we had adopted looked at me with shining blue eyes. She was adorable, and I wasn't sure if we were ready to parent a child, but we were going to try. It took me a minute, but I handed her to Cas, who looked at her like she was his world already.

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