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XXX [Castiel] XXX

Claire had grown into the family in no time. It feels like just yesterday we were filming her homecoming; but today I'm filming Dean watching her play her championship soccer game. He was so proud of her, and I couldn't blame him, I was too. She had played soccer for a long time, and he never missed a game. Dean was a great father, and that only made me love him more. That is, until that one day.

The mail was on the counter as I came in as usual, Dean always laying it there for us to trifle with later. With nothing else to do, I went through the bills and the junk; until I found an envelope with a foreign address. It was from San Francisco, California; an unusual place to get a letter sized envelope from. Curiosity killed the cat; I opened the package, and I didn't know if I regretted it instantly or not. It was an invitation to a wedding; it was a surprise it was from my mother. She was getting married again, and she tracked me down after all these years. It was very kind, but I didn't know if I could even leave. I'm always busy in the office and money is tight since we have a child now; and honestly I'm worried for Dean's sake. If we don't have sex once a week, he goes crazy, and I'll be gone for a week and a half. I have a plus one, and I'm sure she wouldn't mind me bringing my husband and child; and then it hit me. She doesn't know I'm married, or even homosexual for that matter. She's been out of my life for so long, she doesn't even know me. she doesn't know I'm a psychologist or that I have my own office now, or that I have a kid and I'm doing well with my family.

It took me a few weeks, but I sent in an rsvp with a plus two, noting the extra plus was a child. It took a week after that to get a phone call from my mother; her voice sounded the same after all these years. "Castiel, I'm so glad you accepted the invitation, it took a lot to track you down; but I'm glad I did." Her voice was soft but firm. "I'm glad to have received an invitation, it will be nice to see you and everyone else after all this time." I smiled into the phone. I heard a small laugh. "So, I noticed you added a plus one on your plus one, a child no less." The light tone of conversation took a straight turn into danger-ville on the corner of my Christian childhood. "I-uh-yes. My daughter Claire, and my-" a shriek filled the speaker. "A daughter, Castiel?! That's wonderful! I can't wait to meet her next month! Did you settle down and get married to her first?" she asked, her question coming at a million miles a minute. "I'm sorry, what?" the question was confusing. "You're wife. I know I didn't raise you to be a whore." Relief filled my lungs with a deep breath. "Um, yes. We did get married and adopted, but I don't-" once again, the important details were cut out. "That's nice. There's so many children out there without a nice home." Her happy go lucky attitude made it hard to interject with the news. "So, I have a detail to add, if you don't mind." I eased into the grave I was digging myself. "Of course, Castiel. Please, continue." I took a deep breath and said it. "I don't have a wife." Her tone was more confused than shocked. "You just told me you were married. Were you lying to me?" Jumping to conclusions, same old mother. "No. I'm married. Just not to a woman. I have a husband."

XXX [Dean] XXX

I was waiting for two thirty so I could leave and pick up Claire from school. I was framing pictures in the bedroom, just to pass the time. I didn't mind though, I loved the pictures. There were some of us playing with baby Claire, one of my favorites was Claire playing with Cas' face as he laid on the floor. It was a cute picture, and it was precious. I put it in one of the small frames and put it on the bedside table. There was one of me hunched over Claire changing her diaper when she was a little bit over six months. That day was great, and I remember it like yesterday.

'"Daddy hasn't been laid in weeks because of you, no he hasn't! No he hasn't!" I blew a raspberry on her stomach. "Dean, you can't just say that stuff to her." Cas leaned against the door frame after taking a picture. "its not like she can understand me. You're the cutest little cock block, aren't you? Yes you are. Who's the cutest little cock block? You are!"'

I loved memories like that, and I'm glad I get new ones every day. The clock showed a little after two, so I had a little more to do before I could leave. I took Claire's soccer trophy to the shelf in the hallway and displayed it, and it reminded me of the trophy case my parents had for me. That was a long time ago, before mom died. I wanted Claire to have a better childhood than I did, but I didn't know how I could give it to her.

Cas was packing for the wedding, and he acted like he would be away for a month. "Cas, were literally leaving for a week, not forever." I laughed as he packed his third duffle bag. "I just like to be prepared, Dean. You should know me by now." He kissed my cheek. San Francisco was going to be great. A week on the beach with eighty degree weather, plus free food? Best vacation ever. Although, this is the first time I would ever meet one of his parents; I didn't care what they thought of me, but for some reason, I wanted them to like me.

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