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XXX [Castiel] XXX

College strictly focusing on becoming a DO was a lot more tense than anticipated. My schedule was crazy, but I think once I get into a routine I'll be fine. Dean was happy we get Wednesdays together, and declared Wednesdays date nights. No work, no school, nothing but each other. I was finally feeling independent, even back in Chicago I felt I was relying on my parents for something, like just being in the city made me think of their high expectations and their weird rules, not that I followed them. I hadn't talked to my mother since the divorce, and honestly I missed her. She wasn't the best mom, but then again when you have a dick of a husband that does nothing but drink and work, it's hard to keep everything else together. I wanted a sign, something that told me that my mom didn't just cast me out of her life when we left.

It was Wednesday again, and we were at an Italian restaurant tonight. The room was light by high burning candles and we had the most perfect pasta. I wanted a Lady and the Tramp moment, but we had separate plates. There was soft music and the mood was just perfect. We didn't say anything, we just ate and looked each other in the eyes; enjoying the meal. The waiter was very nice too, keeping our drinks filled and the garlic bread coming; I loved the bread so much. It was breadsticks smothered in parsley and garlic butter; probably the best Italian topping there is. We got home a little after sundown, and the mood just clicked.

His shirt had already been ripped off by the time he was pressing me down on the bed, soft bites and rough kisses to my neck and partially exposed chest ejected moans from deep within my throat. Every kiss from him popped another button off my white crisp shirt, his face following the path it was setting. It took only seconds for it to be discarded and my belt to be thrown into a dresser across the room with a loud thunk; my pants coming off next. "So, you want it rough or very rough tonight?" he smirked, his eyes almost glowing in the dim room. "You already know how I like it." I grinned back wildly. Instantly, his crotch was in my face and his genitals were in my mouth. I'm not going to lie, Dean was hard to blow; between his size and his rough fucking into my mouth, and he slid all over the place once he got wet enough. Once he was satisfied, it fell into place there. He took me in his mouth and ran that smooth tongue over the tip, running the delightfully sharp sensation over my body. He laughed as I jerked around every time his teeth would scrape against me. He pulled off with a soft pop before moving his mouth elsewhere. He pushed my legs into the air and spread them, opening my entrance. I could feel the soft scratching of his stubble on the tender parts of my entrances as his mouth ate me out, and the sensation was unimaginable. His tongue ran along my insides, and I thanked the lord I had cleaned myself out earlier. It slowly changed gears, and eventually his lubed member was thrusting in and out of me rapidly, completely taking over every though in my brain, numbing me from everything else. It didn't take long for me to reach my climax, his mouth quickly sucking up every last drop after he pulled out. I noticed he hadn't finished, so I flipped him over and gave him a taste of his own medicine; well, and myself too. I knew he loved it the way I did, the stubble of my face rubbing against him and my mouth pleasuring him. I was thrusting inside of him very shortly after he begged for it, and soon we had both ejaculated. "Next time, were doing this in that car of yours." I whispered. "Deal." He kissed me one more time before he rolled off the bed to clean himself off and get a shower.

XXX [Dean] XXX

Cas had no idea how much I wanted to have car sex with him. I knew it would be cramped, but hell I'd love to take him in the back seat. I thought about all of this in my shower, wanting to save enough hot water for Cas to get one before he slept. I quickly showered with my thoughts somewhere between minimal and maximal, only wanting a round two a few times. I dried off, but I didn't bother putting on clothes. Cas and I had gotten to that point we had sex so many times, we didn't really feel the need to wear clothes to bed. Cas took his shower and I read up on the local news, just to find out what this whole city was about. This town really hated gays, and really anything that was a sin. This was obviously a Christian community and they made sure that they could have it their way or no way. I'm thinking about trying to convince Cas to move back to Chicago when he gets done with school. I could reclaim my job at the garage by the university and Cas could start his psychology job somewhere in the main part of downtown. Chicago was so much nicer than this place. Nobody really cared about anyone else, so they didn't care if you had purple hair, or you were in a relationship with someone who had the same genitals as you, or if you had tattoos all over your body. All of these things that most places have civil wars over, nobody in Chicago really cared about them. Everyone had their own agenda and they didn't bother to notice of someone was doing something they didn't approve of. Despite that, the police did a great job of keeping order when it was broken and keeping girls safe to walk home at night alone. I missed Chicago.

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