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XXX Senior Graduation XXX

XXX [Castiel] XXX

My degree was hanging nicely in a fancy frame, right next to Dean's. We had completed college. It sucks to say, but nothing really happened in the last two years. Charlie found a girlfriend, although the one she had freshman year seemed to disappear, and now they're going strong. Jo transferred to North Dakota to be closer to her family when her mom got Ill. Meg kind of dropped off the face of the earth, no warning or anything. Nobody knows what happened to her, but she hasn't been heard from since junior mid finals. Crowley finished his business degree this year. The sad thing about today was the gang was splitting apart. Charlie is going to Seattle for her code writing for video games career, Jo is staying in Sioux Falls with Ellen and Bobby until she finishes her nursing degree, Crowley is going to Toronto to be a chairman for a major website. Dean is coming with me to Pikeville, Kentucky so I can get my DO. Everyone was splitting up, but that isn't stopping us from partying until the sun comes up tomorrow.

Everyone was over; the house had been transformed into a party venue. Every lightbulb was a different color, the bar was covered in assorted chips and beverages, and even more food all over the kitchen, Dean set up speakers all over the house and backyard, which had been transformed into a rave party. There were neon lights everywhere, the control booth for the music was set up and the pool had glow sticks galore poured into it. We were ready to celebrate everyone's future, even if it meant not being able to do this again.

Everyone was over, it was around fifty people. Everyone we knew and a few adjacent friends had arrived, and the party was kicking. Everyone was dancing inside, dancing outside, in the pool, or eating their body weight in food. Dean and I were hanging out with our usual group that consisted of Charlie, Jo, Crowley, Adam, a blonde beauty named Bridget, a brunette hippy named Devaray, and a man in advanced placement named Kevin. I was going to miss this group, we were so close, but I guess it was that time to let go. "We don't talk about the chickens, Bridget." I told her, the memory being brought up again. "What about last Christmas, when my present made you cry?" Devaray laughed, as did the rest of the group. "No, not that either." I told her, sipping my beverage. It didn't take long for the fun to get started. We remade all of the best memories; "Paint twister in the yard, playing duck duck goose in a strobe room, and saving the best memory for last; the day we all met. All of my friends meant so much to me, and it was going to be so hard being apart.

XXX [Dean] XXX

The sun came up, and for the first time in a long time, I cried. It was sad tears, and happy tears; but nonetheless, I cried. I didn't want our group to split apart, but it wasn't like I expected to stay in college forever. I mean, we weren't dying, there were holidays and occasions where we were all getting together, so this definitely wasn't the end. That didn't make it any less sad for the moment, but it made it seem less long term. It was always hard for me to let go of people, Cas said it was caused by childhood trauma with my family leaving me and giving me abandonment issues. Of course, leaving all of my college friends and going off to some place I had never been was scary, even if I was twenty three now. Cas was the only person I would know there, but I was kind of alright. I'm sure I'll be able to keep in touch with all of my friends, and possibly make even more in the new places we would all go. It was exciting, but that didn't make me want to stay here any less.

It took three days to pack up everything, but we finally got mostly everything into the moving truck. All that was left was the piano room. I was looking for Cas so we could move it, but I couldn't find him. It wasn't until I heard the tune, the light and slow melody sifting through the cracks of the shut door that I knew he was playing the only object in the house. I pushed the door open slowly, and his voice washed over me.

"We'll do it all,


On our own.

We don't need


Or anyone.

If I lay here,

If I just lay here,

Would you lie with me,

And just forget the world?

I don't quite know,

How to say,

How I feel.

Those three words,

Are said too much,

And not enough.

If lay here,

If I just lay here,

Would you lie with me,

And just forget the world?

Forget what were told,

Before we get too old,

Show me a garden,

That's bursting into life.

Let's waste time,

Chasing cars,

Around our heads.

If I lay here,

If I just lay here,

Would you lie with me,

And just forget the world?

Forget what were told,

Before we get too old,

Show me a garden,

That's bursting into life.

All that I am,

All that I ever was,

Is here in your perfect eyes,

For all that I can see.

I don't know if,

Still confused about how this ends,

Just know that these things will never change for us at all.

And if I lay here,

If I just lay here,

Would you lie with me,

And just forget the world?"

And when a teardrop fell onto the key, I knew just how fragile he was, and I felt I understood him more in that moment that I ever could if I had known him a lifetime.

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