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XXX [Castiel] XXX

Naturally, I told him I wouldn't get sick, and I was made into a liar. I don't know how it happened; I wore gloves constantly, I washed any and all visible skin and even more so every ten minutes. The only feasible time frame his illness could transfer to me would be... well shit. I forget that one really long make out session the night before I got sick. Damn you uncontrollable urges of lust, and you too Dean Winchester, for being so damn hot. Speaking of hot, I was boiling. My temperature was larger than any of that which Dean had his entire ill phase.

Dean reciprocated staying home to take care of me, which I found really sweet. He didn't really know what to do and I had to keep giving him instruction until he got the hang of it. We had movie nights almost every night for the rest of the week until I got better. We watched a variety of movies and genres; Jurassic World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and like three others. It was calming and frustrating at the same time. Every time something good would happen, I would have to blow my nose or I would get hot or cold or I sneezed for three minutes straight so we had to rewind it and listen again. Being sick was the worst, I hated being sick.

It took a week, but I finally recovered. Dean had to take off work and school all last week and I felt bad that he felt obligated to do that. Dean was already at the garage now, working on cars and trucks and other vehicles. He really loved working on them, and I couldn't think of anything else he loved more than to go outside every Sunday and give his impala a tune up. I drove up to the administrative building and got all of mine and deans missing work for the last two weeks, which was a lot.

The mailboxes were stuffed with bills and letters of importance and junk nobody cared about; the usual I suppose. There was a campus letter about student not having the required credits needing to see a counselor for a course of action. I set Dean's work on the table and sat at the desk and started on mine. Advanced calculous was going to be the death of me, there was no use for it, but I got three math credits instead of one for it and I really didn't want to take three math courses. College was exactly as I expected it to be; lots of hard classes, intense study sessions, focusing on grades, and balancing school with a personal and social life, tons of stress. It's like high school but multiplied by three. I took a break halfway in, it was already two o'clock and I had still yet to eat anything today. A grilled cheese sounded simple enough and took little time to make, and it was back to work. It took three hours and two Aleve, but I finished all of my work and got in the kitchen by the time Dean got home. "Hey, I picked up your work from the administrative office; it's on the table with some mail." I could hear him taking off his boots and setting them by the door before walking into the room, instantly picking up the mail and slowly sifting through it in his hands. A small kiss to my cheek was all I got before he retreated to the living room, the occasional grunt or ripping of paper echoing slightly into the kitchen. I called for him when I had finished dinner; chicken Alfredo, one of deans favorites.

The entirety of dinner was silent. Dean didn't do much more than grunt in reply of my questions about his day and how he thought about the current events of the world. I was beginning to worry something happened. It wasn't until we had both had our nightly showers and were getting into bed when I had the nerve to ask him. "Dean, what's wrong? You haven't said a single word since you came home from work." He sighed and turned over. "I'm not going to let you go to sleep until you tell me." I think he momentarily debated on if he was going to tell me before sitting up to face me.

XXX [Dean] XXX

"I got fired." The simple act of saying made me angry. "what happened?" Cas' hand gripped my shoulder. "some man was making a fuss about me fixing his truck because he found out about me being homosexual. We started to argue and I told him my sexuality was one, none of his damn business, and two that it didn't affect my ability to fix his fucking truck; a stupid piece of junk it was anyway. My boss sat me down in the office and told me he didn't want a gay in his establishment. I yelled at him and quit and walked out." Talking about it is supposed to make you feel better, right? Wrong; talking about the situation only made me mad. The only thing keeping me moderately calm was Cas' soft fingers grazing over my arm as I seethed. "Dean, it's okay. You can find another job, plus, do you really want to work in a place that is going to discriminate against you? I know you loved working there, but I think that you could get a better job working at another shop. Maybe you should try the place right beside the college? You could work right after class and on weekends. I know some of the people who work there too, they won't treat you bad over there." I huffed and agreed to apply. I wasn't ready for finals week and I barely got any studying done since I had work today and it ended with me being fired and honestly I've had a rough day.

It was at six thirty that I contemplated bashing my skull into the counter. I had six hours of sleep since my anger kept me awake and I wanted to get out of bed and drive to his house and punch him. I didn't bash my head into the counter, although I wanted to. It was finals week, the winter term was coming to an end and it was time for those encompassing exams that expands over everything we were supposed to learn in the course. I was dreading the rest of the week, and I knew Cas was too. He kept tugging at his hair and he wouldn't put his notes down, he even took them to the bathroom. He had a level of stress beyond the human bounds, but then again; we did miss two entire week of classes and I'm sure he was going this hard because he wanted to catch up. I kept going over my notes and the missed work I had finished, but I occasionally took breaks, I wasn't as hardcore as Castiel.

I should have been as hardcore as Castiel. I didn't know shit on any exam I took today and that worried me. Castiel was equally worried, but I'm sure he did a hell of a lot better than I did. I drove down to the shop with Cas after the final class of the day, which so happened to be advanced engineering and mechanics. "I'd like to apply for a job, if that's possible." The man had a burly beard, halfway down his chest. He looked like the bear of a motorcycle gang. "Sure, just take this piece paperwork over there and fill it out, when it's done, just leave it on here on the counter." He handed me a clipboard and pointed to the waiting chairs. Me and Cas both walked over and sat down as I filled them out. It only took half an hour, but I had filled out every form I had and put it on the counter. They had changed shifts since I had been in so there was a woman sitting at the counter. She took the clipboard and scanned over it quickly. "Follow me, MR. Winchester." She directed me to the adjacent room. The door was thick wood, I presumed oak. It slammed behind me and I guessed I was supposed to wait in here?

The boss was a woman, and I liked that. You never expect a woman to be the boss and owner of a workshop, but there's nothing wrong with it. We had a nice interview and she got more in depth in my application. "Yeah my dad taught me just about everything I know about fixing cars. I was raised giving tune ups to an old 1967 Chevrolet Impala, I still have it actually. My uncle owns a shop in North Dakota; I worked there all the time as I was growing up. I'm also a mechanics major at the university too, well I am now. I just decided a few weeks ago." We talked about my working experience and what all I've done with fixing cars for about ten minutes before she told me I started next Monday.

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