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XXX [Castiel] XXX

It only took so long for my lungs to scream at me for not breathing. I guess now I know why people say that they get light headed when kissing someone. Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore and had to pull away, but my lips lingered on his breath and I watched his eyes open to look at mine. Beautiful dark green irises looked back at me, their soft glow making me feel content in his company. It was just like that; we kissed, looked at each other, and then it was off to bed. Why there weren't any words after that, I don't know and I didn't really mind it. There was a comfort to the silence, a silence that was enjoyable and didn't need to be broken for either of us to be happy.

There was more cuddling that night than any other time, granted it had only happened one other time so it wasn't much to go off of. It was like that kiss finally made both of us comfortable with each other and we began to relax and fall into an actual couple category. His arm was wrapped around me like it was the night before, but this time there was more there, it was more than the action; there was more than just the feeling of his arm laying across my body and pulling me closer to him. No, this was different; the air of discomfort from it had evaporated and was long gone. That's what it was; he didn't feel weird doing it. I didn't think about how he perceived me for the rest of the night; the way I was breathing, if he was comfortable, or if my breath was blowing on his arm. I didn't think about them and I fell asleep without any trouble.

I didn't wake up alone the next day, which made waking up even better. He was still lightly breathing against my neck and it was calming, everything was so serene in this moment. I slowly turned over so I could face him, trying to not disturb him. It worked, almost effortlessly; he must be a heavy sleeper. I watched his features as he slept in the dim light of early morning. I watched his shirt on his chest rise and fall as he breathed, and I watched his nostrils slightly flare as he exhaled. Okay, maybe it was a little creepy, but I'm allowed this, aren't I? His hair was slightly disheveled, but it was actually not bad. It just gave him that 'I just woke up' look even though he hadn't yet.

Its times like these that make me wish that the kiss had gone farther than what it did. He could've led me up the staircase, whispering sweet nothings on every step until the bedroom door was closed, and instantly his hot mouth on my throat. The sensation of his stubble raking across my smooth skin as his lips traveled to kiss bite and suck every inch on the way. The room would get hotter as he slowly backed me onto the bed and ripping our clothes off with loud moans and rough touches. The sensation of his hips rocking against mine in the earth shattering way he would slowly move against me; teasing the utter hell out of me, making me beg for him. He would finally succumb to my pleas, the unnecessary leisure of his entrance was pleasurable and aggravating at the same time; my wanting for all of him tying for the absolute bliss it was giving me; until the agonizing wait coming to an end when I could feel his body right next to mine, his skin touching mine. And the motions after that: the slow, the fast, the soft, and the rough; a deadly combination of paces and positions and everything in between. It only ended when we both ejaculated and our bodies froze for only a moment, and one more kiss was placed breathlessly before we both collapsed in exhaustion.

His rumbling shook me out of my fantasy, it now coming to my attention I was in a false paradise and I now have an erection that is highly noticeable and he's sure to feel it if he gets any closer. It was one of those things where in its flaccidness, it had hung on the leg, and when it got hard, it retained its location, but strained against the short fabric, poking out slightly. Damnit; if he brushes against my leg, A) it'll feel really good B) he'll know it's there and it'll be super awkward. Deciding on what to do with the little time I had to do it in, I searched for a quick excuse to leave the bed. Of course, the simple option would be to go to the bathroom where I could relieve myself and get ready for the day and possibly help myself out in a shower. Thinking about showering only led to thinking about asking Dean to share one with me and it only made my predicament worse. "Morin'." His gruff morning voice was soft, but loud enough to hear. "Morning Dean. What do you want to do today?" I tried to sound as inconspicuous as possible. "We could study for that bullshit exam in Dr. Moore's sociology class. That class has been kicking my ass since day one." I laughed and told him we would. "How about we go out for dinner tonight, just for a change in scenery?" I suggested. All I got was a nod and I pecked his cheek and scampered into the bathroom.

XXX [Dean] XXX

Cas sure was something. The first thing I saw when I woke up was those beaming blue eyes and dark messy hair. I'm not sure if he knew, but he did things to me, things another man hasn't made me feel in a VERY long time. His smile crept up on his face as soon as I said good morning, and I couldn't help but laugh a little when he returned it. "Morning Dean. What do you want to do today?" His voice wasn't scratchy, so I assumed he had been up for a little bit at least. "We could study for that bullshit exam in Dr. Moore's sociology class. That class has been kicking my ass since day one." We both laughed before he said we would. "How about we go out for dinner tonight, just for a change in scenery?" I nodded and he went to the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on so I knew he was going to get ready for the day. I decided to do the same thing.

It was very close to the time we needed to leave to go to dinner, and after studying all that we did was lay around and watch some movie about some girl getting hit by a bus and moving to some city and trying to make something of herself. Needless to say she got hit by another bus and died but at least she tried. I had never finished getting ready since Cas was in the bathroom. I lifted a sleeping Cas' head off of my shoulder and went to the bathroom to finish getting ready. It only took me ten minutes and Cas was still asleep when I got back, so I didn't see any harm done. I woke Cas and we got in the car and drove towards the city limits.

We agreed on a local place that served just about anything, which was completely fine with me. We both ordered our food, and it was really just a nice time. We talked a lot, and I learned a lot about Cas I didn't know. He came from a broken home too, maybe even worse than I was. His mom and dad were hardly around; his siblings basically raised him until they were old enough to leave and go out on their own. He was in advanced placement for a long time, and even graduated early. Of course when his parents divorced, he didn't know it would impact his life the way it did. His father dragged him to New York; and he hated it there. He didn't like the city, the people, anything.

Hearing about his life made me angry with his family. His parents were giant dicks and his siblings sounded caring until they had a better option. Most of them went into business or politics; which is great for them, but they basically left Cas to fend for himself, alone with no one to help him at all. From what he told me, his dad was never around, like ever. He saw him maybe three times a year, and it was only for seconds. The man didn't have anything to do with him and it made me want to punch him. His mom loved Cas a lot, but she was really busy. She was a CEO for a long time, and when she went for a promotion that meant she had to move to Cali, well his father didn't like it and they split. Cas got taken away by his father and his mother accepted the promotion. His dad blocked all contact with his mother after that and we both had a feeling that that wasn't the full story and there was something missing.

When his dad found out Cas wasn't into women, he blew the roof; kicked him out at sixteen and deprived him of his scholarships. It took two years of working two jobs and studying nonstop between them, but he finally got money for college. Of course he went into deep detail about his brothers and sisters and his life on his own, but for the most part I was furious with his parents. It made me so mad that they would just do that to a child, especially one that was that smart. We talked about a lot more, but slowly they began closing up shop and we had to leave, and I was kinda bummed about it. I liked talking to Cas and learning about him. He was a very intriguing person and I liked knowing all the things that made him who he was.

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