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XXX [Castiel] XXX

Tux fittings were a pain in the ass even the second time around. We could've worn the ones from our wedding, but we didn't want to upstage anyone, plus the colors didn't match my mother's so we had to get new ones. Dean was getting measured and told to try on a specific style of something, and I was dreading my turn. Claire on the other hand, loved playing 'dress up' in all the pretty dresses. We had already picked out her dress for the wedding; but there was nobody else in the store, so we let her try on all the dresses to keep her occupied. The employees didn't mind so it wasn't a big deal, and it gave us enough time to fit both of us and order the suits.

Things got worse the closer it got to leave for the wedding. Dean got grouchy that night, and he was more reclusive than usual. I took his medicine to him; he probably forgot his antidepressants again. He gets moody when they start to wear off and he hasn't taken the next one yet. He took them, but he was still the same a few days later. It was a week before we had to leave and I didn't know what to do. "Daddy, who is that?" Claire came down the stairs holding a picture. Dean instantly bolted to her and snatched the picture. "Don't you ever touch those pictures again! Those aren't for you." The look on his face was terrifying, and Claire looked like she was about to cry. "Dean, that was uncalled for. She didn't know." I scolded him like a child. "Oh, shut up. She should know not to be rifling through my stuff." He quickly scoffed. "She didn't. You left all of those on the bed again. Quit being overdramatic, you made her really sad and that's not okay, Dean. I thought you wanted to be different that your dad." I regretted the sentence the moment it crossed over my tongue. "Daddy, I just wanted to know who he is. He looks like you, and he's making you laugh." Claire spoke up, almost shivering. "It doesn't matter; it's none of your business." I jumped to her defense. "Dean, she has a right to know about her uncle." He looked at me like he was going to hit me or something. "I have an uncle?" her eyes lit up. "Had. And you dint need to know." She knit her eyebrows, the glow in her eyes vanquished as quickly as it came. "I just wanted to know about him." And that's when things got out of control. "I said leave it alone!" he yelled, and his hand collided with her cheek, the sound reverberated throughout the house, causing three seconds of silence. Claire started crying and stood up from the floor and ran away.

"Dean Winchester! How could you do that!" I stood up and towered over him as he sat. "She needs to learn when to drop it." He took no shame in smacking his daughter. "And smacking her is the answer to that? Dean she's eight, and just because that's how you were treated as a child doesn't mean you have to raise yours like that either. You hate your father and you're becoming just like him. I thought we talked about this, about raising a child and how to handle those kinds of situations. Violence was never a part of it." Hitting a child is never the answer, and I was going to let him have it. "Well, if I took it as a child, so can she." He grunted. "That's it. You go to our room, and I don't want to see you until you're calmed down and ready to apologize to her. You know that wasn't right and I'm not going to let you institute that kind of behavior inside this household." I felt like I was parenting him, but I guess I am a father and a psychologist; I'm used to solving problems, children or adults. He marched up the stairs with heavy pounding in his feet, which I expected. It was then I knew what I had to do.

'Dear Dean,

I'm sorry I have to do this, but you leave me no choice. Your actions with Claire yesterday brought it to my attention that your behavior is becoming an issue. I'm leaving for the wedding, and I'm taking Claire with me, I hope you will talk to one of the psychologists from my office about your feelings and be straightened out by the time we get back. I really hate that I have to do this, but this isn't the way I want to present you to my family, and I certainly don't want you causing a scene at my mother's wedding. I think you need to talk to someone about the issues you still have with your childhood, especially your father. Call me if you need anything. I love you, and I hope I don't have to do this again. -Castiel'

XXX [Dean] XXX

The damn phone ringing in the middle of the night was driving me crazy. I finally rolled over and answered it. "Hello?" I knew my voice was groggy, but who calls at two in the morning? The hospital, that's who; and they're calling you to tell you that your husband and daughter have been involved in a serious car crash, and that your husband is in critical condition.

Instantly, I was shocked. I hung up without more than an 'I'm on my way'. it took me a few minutes. CAS was just here when we went to bed. I looked all over the house, looking for them; maybe it was just a dream. But it wasn't, I didn't see a hint of either of them, besides a single rose on the counter, lying on top of a letter. Call it an anxiety attack, but I had to read it and find out what it said, despite my family being in the hospital. It was the worst thing imaginable, and it took me less than thirty seconds to be doing eighty down the highway.


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