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XXX [Castiel] XXX

"And that should be the last of it." Dean wrapped his arms around me as we looked at our box kingdom. We signed the lease on an apartment for a year, but it would take me two years to finish my degree. We spent six hours driving down to Pikeville and honestly I wasn't looking forward to unpacking. "Let's just set up the crucial stuff tonight; the beds and stuff, then tomorrow we can worry about unpacking tomorrow." Dean was full of good ideas today. What wasn't a good idea was labeling exactly what was in the boxes, it just said which room. The bed frames and mattresses weren't boxed, but all the screws and other stuff we needed for the bedroom were packaged so they wouldn't get lost in the move. It took a while, but we got everything in the bedroom set up. It was strange because we had went forward an hour, so it was confusing when the sun had already begun its decent at what I though was six o'clock.

We finished unpacking the rest of the stuff as soon as possible the next day, which took less time than expected. It took only a few hours and we didn't even know what to do for the rest of the day. One option would be explore the city, which would probably be a good idea since we would be here for at least two years. "This place gets shit signal, you know that? I have to use Wi-Fi for everything, and it sucks too." It was his first comment on the place, and it was actually very comical. Dean decided we needed a night out, so we went out to dinner. It was nice for a change. "So what do you think of the apartment so far?" I asked him as he buttered a roll. "It's bigger than I expected apartments to be. It's nice too, freshly painted and refurbished most likely." He talked about it like he knew everything about it, which with his childhood; he probably knew the different in good places and bad places. "I like it too. I don't seem like such a bad place. I had my doubts about Kentucky, but so far it seems to be a really nice spot."

I regretted that sentence only three days later when Dean and I went shopping. We were casually holding hands, just walking down the aisle and looking at fruits when I saw her. A tall woman in a holiness outfit had walked by us three times, sneering in our direction every time. We had totally forgotten that we were now in the Bible belt and homosexuality wasn't normal. Dean had noticed her and I felt him tensing up, he hated people like that, and I knew he was going to have an outburst if she walked around us again. "Dean, it's okay. It's her opinion, but it doesn't matter. She doesn't matter to us, so just don't pay her any attention. If you leave her be, she'll stop eventually." I whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek softly. Chicago was very different. It was a large city, so nobody really cared about things like sexual orientation, but apparently here, it was a really big deal.

We managed to get all of our groceries without Dean beating up any holiness ladies. I noticed everything was cheaper here too; food, gas, rent, so on and so forth. It was probably the whole 'supply and demand' thing they taught us back I high school, and I was satisfied with my conclusion. "I don't think I'll like the people here, Cas. They all seem like a big bag if dicks." His statement wasn't wrong. We had gotten bad looks from just about everyone, and we had barely moved in. "Oh well, let them think what they will. They don't matter, Dean. We matter, and that's all that counts, what we think of ourselves." I unlocked the apartment door and we brought in groceries while discussing what to have for dinner. "I don't know, maybe we should go out again?" he suggested. "I wouldn't even know where to go." I sighed, trying to find anything to cook. "I got it. Watch this." He unlocked his phone and dialed the nearest hotel and put it on speaker. "Hello, this is Hotel LaVuu, how may I help you?" it was an expensive hotel apparently. "Yes, I'll be staying at your hotel next week for a business convention and I'll be in town for a week or so; I wanted to check and see what kind of restaurants were in town." I was silently laughing as Dean maintained character with the hotel man. "There are many options, there's Italian, Hispanic, Asian, Chinese, Japanese, fast food, barbeque." He kept listing off different styles. "Aren't Chinese and Japanese considered Asian?" Dean asked the man, and I didn't know if I should kiss him or smack him. "Ah, err, technically yes, but we like to be broad with our guests." Dean was laughing at this point and hung up, right after he told the man he was gay. "I'm up for some Chinese, Japanese, or Asian." He laughed. "Now only if there was a way to have them all in one place?" we spent a good ten minutes making jokes before actually going to eat.

XXX [Dean] XXX

It was time to look for another job in mechanics, and I knew just the place. "You're going to apply at Kia?" Cas asked. "Biggest car industry in the state; they employ over half of the population of Kentucky, I don't know, but the job pays good and I can do just about anything to a car they can with my own hands." I didn't particularly like their cars or anything, but then again, it wasn't like I was going to have to have one of their cars anyway. Cas was signed up for his fall semester and all set to get ready for his first classes, so while we were in town, I decided to go ahead and apply for a few jobs. I had already applied to a local garage like back in Chicago. I was ready to work for a living and finally start my life with Cas. I was ready for it, I was ready for us.

Cas' classes were more extensive than ever. His schedule was all over the place, it was basically high school all over again. He had anatomy on Monday and Fridays at twelve and psychology Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at one fifteen. He had Wednesdays off, but other than that, his whole day from ten till four was booked with classes about medicine and doctoring and all of the fancy terms for 'I'm gonna be a psychologist." At least we had Wednesdays, and the weekends possibly if he wasn't swamped with extra work.

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