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2 weeks later

Noel's POV 


That's what I've been feeling for the past few days. Relieved that this pack wasn't like the other and relieved that I finally escaped that hell hole. Yet, there was still part of me waiting for this dream to end and the truth to come out. It all seemed too good to be true and I was sure that soon enough things will come crushing down. Although, I was free from my captors, I wasn't free from the horrid memories that haunt me everyday or from the scars that marked my body. I definitely wasn't free from the night terrors that shook me awake every night.

Although I was healing well and I had gained a bit of weight, the doctor was still worried about my well being. I hadn't told anyone about what had happened to me and I wasn't going to. It was none of their business anyway; plus I still didn't know if I could completely trust them yet. However, I knew that they could sense that whatever happened to me must have been horrible.

The screams I let out every night from the night terrors would echo through the halls and in no time Talia or Luke or both, would come bursting through my room's doors with worried expressions. They were alarmed by my panic behaviour at night and how difficult it was for me to get a good nights sleep, so I wasn't surprised when they told the doctor.

The doctor had suggested that I see the pack's psychiatrist, in hopes that I will finally talk and relieve some of the demons that were haunting me. So that's how I ended up in Clare's office. She was a nice soft spoken woman and in normal circumstances I wouldn't be so rude, but I hated sitting in this seat for the third time this week.

"Can you tell me a little about your family?" she asks. She's taking a different approach to getting me to talk this time. All the other times she had asked about my attackers and my scars and I never uttered a single word about it. I just didn't see the point.

"I don't have a family." I bluntly state, while looking out the massive window in the room.

"Everyone has a family of some sort. Perhaps, you can talk about a close friend?"

"They're all dead."

And that was the sad truth. I don't remember my family because I was kidnapped at such a young age of eight and after being tortured and abused for so long you tend to forget all your happy memories. I don't know if they are for sure dead, but I would assume so, as no one ever came looking for me. As for friends, I have none. The other girls I met were also kidnapped and rarely did they live longer than a few months. But I wouldn't tell any of this to Clare. 

"I'm sorry to hear. Was it the attackers that killed them?"

I was getting annoyed. I was annoyed by all these questions and annoyed that I was even in this room. Talking isn't going to help erase the horrible images that ran through my head at night, nor is it going to erase the scars on my body. I wanted to forget it, not relive it.

 I whip my head towards her and lean closer to her.

"Tell me Clare, have you ever stared death in the face?" I know I was being rude, but I wanted to get out of this room.

" I haven't, but-"

"Then you can't possibly understand the terror that runs through me when darkness falls. I have faced death over and over again and I promise you not a single word that comes out of your mouth will ever ease my mind. So I'm done with all of this and I suggest you let me deal with my demons on my own terms."

With that I stood up and walked out of the room.

Later that day

I needed something to keep me busy. Talia had informed me that I have no chorus and I don't have to pay them back in anyway, but yet they placed me in this massive mansion where her and Luke live as well as other High Wolves. They even gave me my own room with everything I needed in it. It was all too much and I didn't know how to react. I went from having absolutely nothing to everything in a matter of days.

I owed them a lot, not just for saving me, but for letting me stay. I wasn't stupid to think it was an offer that would stand forever. I was indeed a human and this was a pack of wolves, I didn't belong here. I'm sure once I was fully healed they will send me on my way to find my own home. I can understand why they would do that and I was prepared for it to happen. In the meantime though, I needed to busy myself and repay them back in some way.

So I went down to the servants hall and asked if there was anything I could do to help. They were hesitant at first and insisted that they had everything under control, but I begged to do anything no matter how small or big it was. After some more pestering one of the main maids gave me a towel and asked if I could dry the dishes. Without a second thought I took the towel with a smile and made my way to the wet dishes.

The servants here were all so kind and sweet. I learned quite a bit from them in that little time I was down there. I learned that Maggie wanted to be an elite cook one day and thus, it was an honour for her to be cooking for the Alpha and other High Wolves. Laura was a writer and it was her dream to go to the Academy nearby, however she came from an omega family and didn't have much. So she worked as a maid every other day so she could save up to go. Thomas was one of the pack's gardeners and he would often come by with fresh fruits and vegetables. On his non busy days he would spend a little more time here and help around with a big smile on his face. Although, everyone here were servants they were all happy doing what they did. It goes to show how well this pack takes care of their own, I thought to myself. It made me feel good being surrounded by such lovely individuals.

"There you are! I've been looking all over for you. What are you doing down here?" Talia exclaims, as she walks into the servants kitchen. Hours had gone by and I barely realized it with all the lovely conversations I was having with everyone.

"Helping out." I simply say with a shrug.

"You know you don't have to work down here, you're not a servant."

"I don't mind, it was nice talking to everyone and doing a bit of work." Talia looked taken aback from my answer. She didn't seem the type to put servants down, but she definitely wasn't the type to get her hands dirty either.

"Umm.. okay... Well, Luke and I need to talk to you about something. Perhaps you can join us for dinner in an hour?"

"Alright." I say with a small smile. I had no idea what they would want to talk about. Perhaps, they were considering sending me away already. The thought sent a sting through my heart. I guess I'm not as prepared for it as I thought I would be.

Talia nods her head and leaves the kitchen. I quickly say my goodbyes to everyone and go upstairs to change out of my dirty clothes for dinner while trying really hard not to think about what Luke and Talia were going to say to me.

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