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Noel's POV

Light as a feather, that's exactly how I felt when I woke up in this world that felt so familiar and pure to me. All my aches and pains, my heartache, and even my demons were all gone. I felt so free and... happy.

Pure happiness.

This new world felt so magical and calming. Everything in it glowed and sparkled. I wanted to run my fingers through everything as I walked aimlessly through this enchanted forest. I look down at myself and realize that I'm barefoot and wearing a white dress that I don't remember ever putting on.

The birds hidden in the top of the trees suddenly swoop down towards me and circle around me before taking off again into the sky. Without any reason I chase after them and giggle as other birds come playfully swooping down towards me. For the first time I wasn't running because my life was being threatened or because I was escaping from someone; I was running because I felt free for the very first time. I felt like I could run forever, as if my lungs and legs would never give up. I never want this feeling to end, I think to myself as I continue to run and explore the beauty of the forest.


I instantly stop and look around at my surrounding. I heard a voice that for some reason I knew was for me, but I couldn't find the owner of that voice.

"Hello?" I softly call out.

"You can't see me child, but I can see you" Oddly, I didn't feel any fear, but instead I felt protected.

"What is your name?" I causally ask, as I continue walking. Why do I feel like this voice is familiar to me?

"I go by many names, but that is not important. What is important is your life. Tell me, do you remember what happened to you?"

I instantly stop picking the pretty flowers that I found by a tree and feel something tug at my heart. There was something that happened to me before all of this, what was it? Without warning, a searing pain erupts on my shoulder and just as I go to hold it, I'm transported back to that dreadful moment.

I open my eyes and realize I'm lying on the ground, there are bodies of rouges littering the ground, children are crying around me, women are screaming, and I'm in so much pain. I scream at the intensity of the pain, but stop as blood fills my mouth and I have to cough it out.

"Noel! Noel, please stay with me!" I feel myself being lifted up. The warmth and the sparks coming from him calms some of my pain. I can hear him giving out orders to his warriors, as I close my eyes and let the darkness take over.

"Noel! You got to stay awake for me! I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry..." His voice sounds so pained and worried. It almost sounds like he might be crying. Xavier doesn't cry, I think to myself as I can't help cough up more blood.

Oddly enough, I can feel the life in me starting to drain. I feel so weak and sleepy, even his voice that continues to try and wake me up, is becoming more distant. I can still hear the pain in his voice and I want to comfort him and tell him that everything is going to be okay, but instead the only comfort words I can say to him, are not a comfort at all.

"I'm... just... sleepy..." I said it so quietly that I didn't think he would hear me with all the chaos going on around us, but then he replies and it becomes the last thing I hear from this world.

"I can't lose you, Noel..." There's so much emotion thrown into those words that I feel pure love coming through the mate bond. With that I go into the darkness peacefully knowing that he cared.

I open my eyes and I'm back in the enchanted forest. Tears are rolling down my face as I remember exactly what happened and my heart aches at the thought of never seeing Xavier again.

"Am I dead?" I whisper out, terrified at what the answer might be. I don't know whether I rather be dead or not. This enchanted forest has given me so much peace that I have never felt in the other world. Would I rather be here away from the pain and hurt, but also away from Xavier or would I be there with him, but risk getting hurt from him or others?

"Not yet. You have a choice to go back if you like, but you will have responsibilities." I immediately remember of the witch and what she said about my powers and me dying.

"Was the witch right? Am I going to wake up with these new powers?"

The voice chuckles before responding, "It's funny how power hungry some people are in the other world. That witch had no idea what she was talking about and her plan to somehow get your powers would have never worked. I wouldn't have allowed it. However, you already have your powers before entering this world. You can sense and see things that others cannot and with time those powers will grow on its own."

For some reason that brings me relief, but yet another question lingers in my mind. "What responsibilities will I have if I chose to go back?"

"You have gone through so much, my child. I want you to feel true happiness and peace again, but I also want you to bring peace and happiness to others. That witch was right about one thing. You are an angel. You're one of my earthly angels that have suffered so much, but yet manage to bring joy to others without any effort. I want you to continue that and go beyond it. There are so many on earth suffering at the hands of evil. I want you to grow as a person and fight back, like your true nature calls for. However, if you chose to stay here, then your wish will be granted as well. I wouldn't blame you from wanting to escape such a hard life you have lived."

"How can you have so much faith in me?"

"That is because I created you and I know your true strength, child. It will take time for you to see it for yourself, but you will one day with the help of your mate and new friends."

"You think Xavier would help me?" I say as I sit down by a tree. This is becoming too much to take in.

"You have changed Xavier. He has also lived a hard life filled with betrayal and pain and thus, finds it hard to trust or care for others, but you are slowly changing that."

My heart starts to ache at the thought of Xavier and his desperate cries during the last moment together. I know he was starting to feel the bond between us just like I was.

I miss him.

"What is your choice, child?"

I look around at my surroundings, would I be able to leave such a beautiful place? Or would I be able to let go of Xavier and the pack and stay here? The answer becomes crystal clear to me and before I could answer the voice replies.

"Excellent choice, my dear. Remember I am always around when you need me."

I don't have a chance to reply back before I am thrown into my body. I instantly jolt up from the bed and scream. The pain from my wound is searing, my heart feels like it's going to burst out of my chest, the air that I take into my lungs feels like knives stabbing the inside of me, and the light coming from the lamp is burning my eyes. I feel as if my whole body is extra sensitive from the life being pushed back into it. I collapse back down and try to focus on anything, but the pain. I can hear voices of people rushing into the room and trying to calm my screams, but their touches burns my skin which makes me scream even more.

"Xavier!" I call out, hoping that he is around to bring me the warmth that always eases my pain. I need him close to me. I want him close to me.

"I'm here! I'm right here, Noel." Instantly the pain subsides as he wraps his arms around me.

Second update this week! I'm going to try and update as much as possible this week and next! There's probably going to be a lot of errors, but I really want to finish this book and then after I will go back and edit it.

Thank you for reading! Please comment and vote!

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