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Xavier's POV

I saw them together sitting under that tree, holding hands. The sweet words he was telling her shouldn't have left his mouth.

She wasn't his mate.

My wolf growls with anger at the idea of Luke taking that human away from us. My wolf's identity slightly takes over my body and pushes me forward towards them. Although, I don't care for a mate and I definitely don't care for that human, my wolf's feelings drove my anger and jealousy and I couldn't control it any longer.

Luke turns to me after watching Noel jog away after telling her that Talia was looking for her. He was trying to protect her from my anger. I would have demanded her to come back, but I decided against that. My wolf wants to take his anger out on Luke, not her, anyway.

"Control yourself, brother. Noel is like a little sister to me and nothing more." Luke states.

I clench my fists and my wolf continues to growl. He feels like Luke is a threat in terms of taking our mate away from us. Luke tilts his head a little and smirks.

"I thought you didn't care for her. You can't deny your feelings for her anymore, am I right?"

I launch at him and slam him against the nearest tree.

"She is nothing to me! You angered my wolf and I unfortunately can't control his feelings. So I suggest you stay away from her!" I growl out loud.

"That's not going to happen. She deserves someone to take care of her. You refuse to get to know her and her story. You have pushed her away, even against your wolf's wishes. Thus, you don't get to make decisions like this for her. If she wants to spend time with me then hell, I'm going to give her my attention!" I could sense Luke's loyalty for that pathetic human.

"Don't tempt me, brother. I will lock you up and her too, if you continue this!"

I am the Alpha and I refuse to be talked down to like that, even if he is my brother.

"Don't you see that change in the pack since she has arrived? We are stronger with the presence of our Luna. Everyone is more connected and the power of our pack is growing. Think about the strength of the pack when you finally give in to your feelings and accept her as your mate." Luke states with hopefulness in his voice.

I chuckle at the ridiculous idea.

"You're delusion! I fear that you have let her mess with your head too much and it's making you weak and pathetic just like her."

With that I gain control over my wolf again and manage to let go of Luke. I hate arguing with him, especially over matters of no importance.

I can sense Luke trying to manage his anger. He was always much better at maintaining his patience than me. 

"Say what you like, but it's true. Also, I'm going to start training her starting tomorrow."

My wolf stirs at the thought of his mate training and potentially getting hurt, but I just laugh at the idea.

"You are going to train a human to fight werewolves? Are you mad?" I roar with laughter. "You really are delusional. Do what you want! Hopefully, during one of your training sessions she'll get seriously hurt or better yet, die. Then I can finally move on from this stupid ordeal." I say while walking away from him.

"You're selfish! I promise you, one day you will feel the pain of losing a mate, if you keep this up!" Luke exclaims with anger at my retreating form.

"Whatever, you say brother! By the way, don't forget you will be joining me and some of the others tomorrow for that meeting with Alpha Bree." I say over my shoulder.

"Shit... I forgot." I hear Luke mumble to himself.


I shift into my wolf and run the perimeters of that pack. With the increase of rouges, I want to make sure that there aren't any nearby; especially since I won't be around for most of tomorrow. I hate leaving my pack, but this meeting had to happen. Alpha Bree, is the only Alpha I truly trust and with the increase of rouges, it was time to talk to him about it and see what he thinks.

As I run the perimeters I take in the power of the pack. Although, I don't want to admit it out loud, Luke was right. The power of our pack has increased since that human joined us. Everyone accepted her immediately as one of their own and I have witnessed her kindness towards everyone she meets. It made me uneasy knowing that the pack not only accepted her as one of their own, but also as their Luna. It is well known that packs become stronger when there is a mated Alpha and Luna, but I can't bear the thought of being with a human.

Images of that human training with Luke evades my head. My wolf is worried that she will get hurt or worse. I can sense that he wants to be the one to protect her, if there is ever an attack. He didn't want her to fight and risk her life. For once I reluctantly agreed. There's no changing the fact that she is the Luna, even if I don't want her to be. There's also no denying the fact that our pack is stronger with her in it, even if I don't mate her. Perhaps, keeping her safe for the pack's sake is ideal.


I walk into my mansion during the late hours of the night after a meeting with some of the pack members. I had to make sure that everyone was prepared tomorrow for my absence. I wanted to be sure the pack was secure and everyone knew their places. Leaving a pack without an Alpha was a risk, but I had confidence in my Beta and my pack members to keep this pack safe for those few hours I was away.

As I turn the corner I spot the human eating an apple walking in my direction. She doesn't see me at first because of the dark hallway, but when she finally does she tenses up. She takes a few steps back and slowly bows her head. My wolf whimpers at the idea of his mate being afraid of him, especially when all he wants to do is be close to her. He blames me for her fear and I gladly take the blame.

"I don't want you training with Luke. Do you understand?" I didn't mean to make it sound so demanding, but it came out that way.

She slowly lifts her eyes to me and speaks softly, as if afraid I would strike her for asking.


She has guts for questioning her Alpha, I'll give her that much.

"As much as I don't want you to be, you are the Luna of this pack and your life is valuable to the pack because it gives it strength. So if I catch you training, I will throw you in the dungeon." I say while stepping closer to her.

She holds her ground this time and doesn't dare take a step back. No words leave her mouth and she continues to look me in the eyes.

"As Luna, you are never to leave this pack. You are never to train and you are definitely never to put yourself at risk in any circumstance. If you were to break any of those rules, you will be locked up and that is a promise. Not even my dearest brother, will be able to save you." I say in a threatening manner so she knows I am being serious.

She doesn't flinch from my threat or say a word. It pisses me off that my Alpha authority doesn't seem to have an effect on her. I want her to be afraid of me, I want her to run. I grab her arm and aggressively pull her towards me. I ignore the sparks that travel up my arm from the touch.

"Do you understand?!" I exclaim with anger.

After a few seconds she whispers, "Yes, Alpha."

Her sweet scent and the sparks drive my wolf insane. He wants more of her, he wants to hold her and be surrounded by her smell and warmth. Without realizing it, I was staring into her deep blue eyes for more than just a few seconds and my heart pace accelerates.

What is wrong with me?

I push her away and stalk to my office without another word. I need to be away from her before my wolf did something stupid.

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