May (Part Two)

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Noel's POV

"What do you mean where I belong?" I'm so confused by her words and still overwhelmed with what just happened.

"Sit and I'll tell you about myself." May calmly states which has me confused even more with the abrupt change in subject.

Xavier grabs my chair that I had tumbled over and makes me sit. Thankfully, there was some distance between May and I, and with Xavier by my side I don't feel as panicked as I did before.

"I had a rough childhood. I never knew who my parents were. I didn't even know when my next meal will be. I was a lost child living on the streets for many years. During my teenage years, I ran into some trouble and I was ultimately killed. Just like that my life was taken away from me."

I look over at Xavier and his confused expression mirrors mine. How could she be dead if she's clearly here talking to us? I stay silent and wait for her to continue.

"Once I died I entered a world that was so beautiful and magical. A world that I know you are familiar with. It's a world where we both belong to."

My mind trails off to when I was in a coma and I entered a world where I felt so familiar with, but didn't really know why. All I remember is how beautiful and calming it felt to be there. It was as if all my pain and suffering magically disappeared and all I felt was pure happiness.

I stay silent and wait for May to continue.

"There are many names that that world goes by. I like to call it Ceo. The other world that is filled with misery and dark energy is the underworld. This are were the dark souls go."

"Okay... but I still don't understand-"

"There was a voice that called out to me in that world. The voice told me that I was one of their earthly angels."

I tense up as I remember the same occurring to me while I was in a coma. Xavier notices how tense I am and places his hand on my shoulder and gently squeezes it.

"What does this have to do with Noel," Xavier sternly asks.

"Well, she's also an earthly angel and she knows it too."

I realize then that I had never really told Xavier what was told to me when I was in that world that May calls Ceo. I remember telling him that I had a choice to come back or not, but I had never told him the angel part or the part that I had responsibilities if I was to return to this world. With all honestly, I hadn't even thought about it since I had woken up from my coma.

Both I and Xavier stay silent as May continues.

"You see earthly angels are pure beings that have suffered tremendously in this world, but even though they have suffered, they always have this natural instinct to help others and never let selfishness or evil overtake their actions. Earthly angels also have different abilities that others don't have and with those abilities they are to help those that are unfortunate, in order to better the world. Both you and I have suffered tremendously and we know what it means to have no hope. There are others suffering but they may never find their escape like we did. It is our duty to be their angels. As you already know, your abilities are to see spirits and to sense energy from the living world. You can use those abilities to better the lives of others on earth."

It is our duty to be their angels.

Can I really be someone's angel? Although it is true that I have always never hesitated to lend a hand to others, I find it hard to believe that really makes me an angel.

May senses my disbelief and decides to continue.

"Humans and supernatural beings tend to be selfish, greedy and angry monsters when they have gone through as much suffering as you and I did. They just can't help themselves because it becomes their coping mechanism to survive this cruel world. However, after Xavier saved you from a group of rouges that tortured you for years, what did you do in your first weeks of being part of this pack?"

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