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Noel's POV

I feel his arms wrap around me as he gently lifts me from the window seat where I had fallen asleep and carries me to my bed. He gently puts me down as I keep my eyes closed pretending to be asleep.

I don't want to talk to him; I don't want to see him. The anger and betrayal towards him still pulses through my body and it is taking all the fibres in my body to not get up and walk away from him, but that would just anger him more and deep down I knew that I would coward under his anger.

I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.

I feel the bed dip a little and without opening my eyes I can tell he had sat down by my legs. Silence, that's all there is. I can't stand it, I can't stand the silence and I can't stand being in the same room as him. After what felt like forever he finally speaks.

"I'm sorry."

He whispered it so quietly, that I nearly missed it. The great Alpha that thousands fear from all over is apologizing. Not only apologizing, but it even sounds sincere. I am taken aback and with the surprise my eyes slowly open.

He isn't looking at me, but I can feel the guilt leaking from him. I don't care though, I still hate him and I'm definitely not going to forgive him. I roll over so my back is towards him and I pray that he will just leave already.

I hear him sigh and then whisper.

"I shouldn't have put you in the dungeon, but ... but you disobeyed me and disrespected me. I am the Alpha and you can't disrespect me, especially in front of my pack."

His voice had risen a bit near the end, trying to show his power and authority over me. I am so sick and tired of him talking down to me. I just didn't care anymore.

With the last bit of confidence I have in me I bolt up and look straight at him, as he turns to face me.

"I can't disrespect you, but you can disrespect me? I am your mate, your equal and yet, you can't bear to look at me and accept the fact that I'm your mate."

Even in the dark I can see the anger in his face. He stands up and starts pacing the room while clenching and unclenching his fists. I can sense that his beast wants to take over.

Although, I am shaking on the inside, I keep my face neutral. I refuse to show any fear and give him the satisfaction. He stops pacing and faces me.

"I didn't ask for this! I didn't ask for you, for a mate! –"

"Then reject me! Reject your weak, pathetic, human mate and set us both free!"

"NO!" he roars.

We were both facing each other, standing so close that I can feel his breath on my face. The house shakes with his anger and I should have cowered away, but something like fire pushes me to speak up.

"Why not? You have let me know how useless I am and it's clear you're not attracted to me and yet, you refuse to reject me! What is the point of having me around?"

I'm so angry and I know my raised voice will only anger him more. I might regret it, but right now I don't care. I don't care if he yells at me or if he hurt me.

I want out.

"The pack needs a Luna in order to maintain its strength-"

"Bullshit! Your pack doesn't need me! You're already the most powerful Alpha there is, your pack is already the strongest. You don't need a weak human Luna!"

"I'm not rejecting you and that's the last time I will say it! Now go to bed."

He turns away from me and starts walking out the room. The slamming of the door shakes the mansion and makes me jump. I'm surprised that he didn't take his anger out at me physically. I thought for sure I was a goner, but I couldn't stop myself from saying what I said.

I should have given him space right then and there. I shouldn't have followed him through the door and down the hall. I should have turned back around and headed to bed the second I saw him walk through the back door and into the darkness. I shouldn't have run into the dark and cold night with only a short night gown on. And I definitely shouldn't have followed him into the dark forest, but I couldn't stop myself. Something in me was screaming to go after him.

I don't even know why... to apologize? Or to continue arguing with him? I had no idea, but I keep walking. It didn't take long for me to lose him. It's dark and my human eyes has no chance in seeking him out, but I keep walking.

I only realize then that I am crying, tears are running down my face. Will I ever be happy? Will the pain, hurt and anger ever go away? I felt defeated and tired, not physically tired, but emotionally drained.

I lean against a tree and slowly sit down and shut my eyes. I focus on the sounds of the night to calm my heartbeat, as it was still pounding hard from the adrenaline. I need to collect myself and go back to bed and pray that tomorrow will be better. Pray that one day soon my life will be happier, easier.

My head whips to the right where I hear branches breaking. Someone or something is lurking in the shadows. I stand up and brace myself for whatever creature was out there to kill me.

Should I fight back or should I let it all end now? It would be the easy way out from this cruel world. But then I sense the familiar feeling of my mate and calmness washes over me. How can a cruel and hateful creature like him have the ability to calm me like that? I should be in fear of him or at least angry, but I can slowly feel it all washing away as his wolf takes more steps towards me.

His wolf doesn't seem angry at me, which surprises me. He stops approaching me and just stands there watching me. I take a deep breath and sit back down by the tree. My head was spinning from all the adrenaline and the hit from earlier wasn't helping. I lean my head back against the tree and close my eyes, listening to the trees sway in the wind and crickets chirp in the dark.

I feel his wolf approach me and lay next to me. I snap my eyes open and see that he had curled himself around me like a shield and he also has his eyes closed, like as if he was thinking about something. The warmth from his body radiates off of him and it immediately becomes comforting to me.

I knew at that very moment, that no matter how much he would like to reject me, he couldn't. Not because of his pack, but because of his wolf. His wolf is the one who wants the mate bond, his wolf is the one that wants me.

I don't know how to take this new realization... Should I accept that Xavier will never love me or care for me, but deep down his wolf will keep fighting for the bond? Or should I escape this sick twisted unhappy bond?

I feel his wet nose nestle my cheek. I open my eyes and see the pain and guilt that is edvident in his eyes. His wolf is upset. I place my hand on his head and run my fingers through his soft fur. Sparks from the bond run up my arm and through my body, furthering calming me. I can sense that he feels it too and it eases his pain as well.

"I wish I could be the strong and attractive Luna that your other half desires. This bond would probably be easier if I was what he wanted, maybe then he would accept me and this mate bond." I whisper out to his wolf.

The wolf whimpers and nestles closer to me, as more tears run down my face. I shift my body and lay my head on his side. With his warmth and sparks surrounding me, it doesn't take long for my eyes to become heavier and for me to fall asleep.

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