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Noel's POV

 I kneel down by a large tree and hold my breath. I was hoping that this time I had finally got away from him. After a few minutes of hiding, I gather some courage and I carefully look around the tree, in hopes that I can see where he might be. I saw nothing but the forest stretching for miles and squirrels prancing around. I nearly tumble over when a squirrel leaps out of a bush near me. My heart racing at the possibility of that it could have been him instead of that squirrel. Just as I thought that the coast was clear and I can make a run for the next big tree, I find myself being thrown to the ground.

Giggles erupt from me, as Xavier's wolf stands over me and licks my face with excitement.

"I was sure that I had got away from your vicious licks!" I playfully exclaim while trying to push his wolf off of me.

His wolf yelps with excitement and continues to lick and nip at my hands as I try to get up.

We've been playing this game for what seemed to be hours and although I was growing tired, his wolf seemed to have all the energy in the world. Xavier had asked if I would join his wolf in the forest, as his wolf had been eager to spend time with me. Of course I couldn't say no to that. Although Xavier and I have had our rough moments, I have always felt that his wolf stood by this mate bond right from the beginning and I was always eager to spend more time with him.

"Shall we go cool off by the river?" I ask while already making my way to the river.

His wolf eagerly follows me while still licking and nipping me. I giggle at his enthusiasm.

I kneel down by the river and dip my hands in the cool water, taking handfuls of water to clench my thirst. Xavier's wolf scurries away after drinking some water as well, and it isn't long until Xavier returns in his human form.

"With how excited my wolf was to be around you, I didn't think I'll ever be able to shift back." Xavier says while coming to stand by me.

"I much rather have him around than you." I reply back and failing to hide the smile on my face.

"What did you just say?" Before I can get that chance to reply back, Xavier picks me up and runs into the cold river. I scream when I realize what he is about to do.

Without hesitation he drops me into the cold water and laughs as I'm shaken by how cold the water is. It's the first time I have heard him truly laugh or seen this side of him. This is something that I'll treasure for a lifetime.

"You-you..." I can't even get my words out as I start to shiver from the cold water seeping through my clothes.

"Me what?" He asks while approaching me with a grin plastered on his face.

I wait for him to come close enough and then splash him with the cold river water so that he is equally as soaked as I am. He's taken by surprise at first, but then quickly grabs hold of my arms and turns me around so my back is pressed against his body.

My body shivers not only from the cold water, but also from the sparks that erupt throughout my body from the bond. I quickly realize that I like being held by him. I blush at the thought of how close we are, as he wraps his arms around me and leans close to my ear.

"Come on, let's get you warmed up." He whispers in my ear. I shiver runs up my spine and he chuckles at how my body responds to his voice and closeness. He picks me up without another word and carries me to land.

Once we reach land he sits down and leans against a large rock. He pulls me between his legs and wraps his arms around me as my back is pressed up against him. Warmth immediately surrounds me, as it appears that his body never fails to produce heat even when drenched in cold water.

"You know, you'll warm up quicker if you take off your shirt." He whispers to me while gently placing kisses on my shoulder.

"You'll like that, wouldn't you?" I reply. He chuckles back as a response.

With all honestly, I have never been one to be shy of my body. I think the nakedness of the human body is so natural and there's nothing to be ashamed of. However, my body has gone through some trauma and scars litter every inch of it. Especially my back, it carries the worse of scars. I know Xavier has seen glimpses of my scars, but the thought of him seeing my worst ones frightens me. What if he thinks they're disgusting? What if he goes back to thinking I'm weak? But he'll eventually have to see them... Perhaps it's best if I show them to him now. I think I'll be able to deal with his negative outlook on my scars now, than if I keep putting it off.

"What are you thinking about? You seem tense." His voice breaks through my thought process. He continues, "I didn't mean anything by my comment; I don't mean to rush anything between us."

How can this man be the same man as before? His words are so gentle and kind now and my heart swells up every time he speaks to me.

"I know, it's just... I have something to show you." Without thinking anymore about it, I pull away from him and stand before him. I instantly miss his warmth and by the look on his face, I can tell that he is unhappy with the distance I've created.

I turn my back towards him and pull my shirt off my body. I hear him gasp at the sight of my damaged back. I keep my back towards him as I realize how terrified I am of how he might react to my damage. Tears start to form in my eyes and I start to shake.

"I rather you see my damage now until things become more serious between us...I"

I don't get a chance to finish, when I feel his arms go around my waist while he's kneels and starts kissing every scar that litters my back. I instantly break down and start crying at his gentleness, as he continues to kiss my scars.

Not until he had kissed every single one of my scars on my back, does he gently turn me around and pull me into his embrace. I continue to cry into his already soaked shirt, unable to control my emotions.

"That isn't your damage; that is your strength." He simply states as he kisses the top of my head. He lifts my chin and starts to wipe my tears away.

The pull of the bond is stronger than ever at this very moment. It's as if nothing else exists around us. All I can think about is how warm his body feels pressed up against me, how he smells of the forest, how is touch is so gentle as if I'm fragile glass that can easily be broken, how his eyes keep staring into mine and then back down to my lips and how I want nothing but to feel his lips on mine.

I feel him leaning down and just as I am about to close my eyes, I see something over his shoulder. Something that makes my blood run cold, something that has me screaming in terror.

Hello! I'm back! Sorry for the long wait, I've been working so much lately...but I'm hoping to update again by the end of next week!

I hope you like this lovey dovey chapter! Please comment and vote! And Thank you for the support<3

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