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Xavier's POV

It's been a full week since the last time she has bothered to look in my direction. She has barely spoken a word to me, other than short responses to my questions. I don't blame her, however it's becoming irritating. My wolf longs to be close to her and make up for ditching her that one night. Even I want to show her that I am sorry for my actions. I can no longer deny this mate bond; as much as I want to ignore it or pretend that it doesn't exist, I can't. Everything about her is becoming so clear to my eyes and it's so enticing.

The way she smells of blooming flowers on a spring day, engulfs each room that she steps in. It's becoming to be a form of comfort when I enter the room and her smell hits me. After a long day, all I want to do is seek her out, just so that I could calm my nerves or temper with her sweet smell.

The way she smiles and laughs effortlessly, has shivers run up and down my spine. Although, I don't express it, it genuinely makes me happy knowing that she is happy and is enjoying her time in this pack. The scars that litter her body, display her struggles that she has had in the past, but yet here she is laughing and spreading her kindness to everyone. That's inspiring to know that my mate can still find the joys of life, even after all the cruelty she has faced; this is something that many of us, including me, haven't been able to do.

The way she cares for the pack like a true leader, has me bursting with proudness. She could have very easily refused to be a member of this pack and hid away in her room, but instead she goes out of her way to help others and help around the pack. She is not afraid to get her hands dirty and she never acts like she's better than others, just because she has the title of the Luna. I can tell that she is grateful to be here and is always willing to show her gratitude to others. Although I won't admit it aloud, she fits perfectly with this pack and everyone is happy to have her around.

She's like the missing piece of the puzzle that this pack has been missing. She brings us altogether and brings some joy and light to a pack that has faced many tragedies and losses. She's also the missing puzzle piece to me and my wolf. Although my wolf and I don't get along as much as we should, she brings us together.

She's constantly on our minds when we are away from the pack searching for the dark ones. We are always worrying about her safety and the pull to be near her is becoming overbearing. Not in a bad way, but in a good way. I find myself wanting to know more about her, her favourite baked good, her favourite flower, what makes her truly happy. I want to sit with her and talk and feel her warmth around me. But I don't know how to approach all of this. This is all new to me and I have never felt this need to be close to anyone before. I think that is why for so long I've been trying to ignore this mate bond, but now it's becoming impossible.

Surprisingly, I'm ok with that. I want to learn to be close to her and express my feelings and show her that I care, if not with words than with actions.

I don't blame her for the coldness that she displays towards me now though. I have said and done some things that I should have never done or said to my own mate. I want to promise myself that I will be a better mate, but I can't make a promise like that. I could never be the mate that she truly deserves, its not in my nature.

I see the way my brother looks at her and how easily she gets along with him. Jealousy stirs in me and I want to act upon it and punish the both of them. She is my mate and she should be laughing and smiling with me and not him. But who am I fooling? If I had acted how I should have towards my mate right from the beginning she would be on my side and not his. If I had remembered about our walk last week, she would have given me another chance and I would have tried to show her that I am here for her. All this mess was caused because of my selfish actions.

I'm at lost on how I should approach her and how I should fix this mess. My pride stands in the way of making things right with her, in fear that I would appear weak in front of my pack. My mind is constantly battling with itself on what I should do. I want nothing to do with this mate bond, but yet I want everything to do with it.

Until I can gather up the courage to approach her and try to make amends with her, I can only watch from a distance as she lives her life and blesses others with her presence and good spirits.

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