Party Preping

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                   Rose and Clara were halfway to a small area with a few sleeping bags when they heard someone running up to them. It was pony-tail girl. "Where are you going?" She asked.

                 "Where do you think?" Rose said. "Time to hit the hay."

             "Rose! Have you forgotten?" Rose thought for a second, then she light up.

        "Oh! How could I forget!?" Rose said.

        "Forget what?" Clara asked.

    "You see, there's not much to celebrate around here, so when we get the chance, we take it. Every time we get a new Greenie, we party that night."

      "Yeah, and we've gotta prepare for it, too!" Pony-tail girl asked.

     "Oh, right! Every night, for their celebrations, every Greenie and all Informational Guides must prepare for the party. It's tradition in the Glade."

       "Ok. Where do we start?" Clara asked.

       "Well, at least she's more willing than Galley." Rose muttered to pony-tail girl. The trio walked over to a small area with multiple benches - probably a food court. There was a brunet woman- older than all Gladers she'd seen so far- already cleaning tables. She introduced herself to Clara when she saw them approaching. "Hello. My name is Sarah Jane Smith- but I prefer Sarah Jane."

        "I've heard your name- are you an Informational Guide?"
      "What? Me? Oh, no no no. Quite far from it. I'm the cook. It's pretty hard trying to prepare meals for 50 - 70 people, but I manage. I always help prepare Greenie parties, too. So, there are some rakes over there and a few rags if you want to start helping before the other Informational Guides get here."

      "I'd be delighted." Clara said. A grunt from Rose proved the opposite was true for her, yet she still helped out.

       While raking, Clara decided it was best to break the silence with a conversation. "Hey, I never got your name." She said to pony-tail girl.

       "Oh, mine? It's Jenny."

      "I saw you walking with Madame Vastra earlier- are you her assistant or something?"

       "Oh, what? No, not at all- you see, me and Vastra came up in the box together, the first time it's happened since the original group of Gladers. We woke up early, both scared. Didn't talk for a good thirty minutes- then Vastra spoke, firing off a conversation. We learned a lot about each other, well, as much as we knew. Laughed sometimes. After another two hours, we knew it was just meant to be." Jenny paused and looked up from the table she was cleaning. "I'm the Madame's Wife." Clara didn't think much of the remark- this many people, two are bound to get in a relationship sometime.

       "Does that give you any special privileges?" Clara asked.

      "Well, sort of. Since she is our leader, I did get the rank of Keeper among the Informational Guides."

       "What's a Keeper?"

      Rose answered this time, not looking up from her rake. "They're basically the leaders of their certain positions. Jenny for the Informational Guides, Martha for the Track hoes, Amy for the Slicers, Galley for the Builders, Sarah Jane, Keeper of the Cookers and also the only Cooker, and Zara for the-" Rose stopped herself mid sentence. "I mean, Zara used to be Keeper of the Riders- Micasa is covering for her now. Zara still gets to go to Gatherings, though." Just then, they heard voices a little ways away, and looked up to see the other Informational Guides arriving.

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